I see that Matt Williamson will be running at Freedom Motorsports Park on Fridays in 2018. Signed on as a driver for the Behrent's Performance Warehouse team.
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Matt Williamson
01 February 2018 - 03:38 PM
RIP Turk Burket
28 November 2017 - 06:29 PM
I just heard we lost another late model legend.
How about these entry fees?
19 November 2017 - 12:16 PM
I was curious how they do things at southern tracks. I checked the entry apps for the Alabama State Championships at East Alabama Speedway a couple of weeks ago. The super lates were to run 43 lap $5000 to win features on Friday and Saturday with a 100 lap $20,000 to win main on Sunday. Early entry fees were $100 per car Friday and $100 Saturday and $150 on Sunday. Reserved parking spots in the infield were $60 each. I didn't see a per person pit fee. A 3 day reserved grandstand top 3 rows advanced ticket was $125 each. They had 7 or 8 total classes running and the lowest entry fee for for 4cly. was $60 per car. They got 29 supers on Sunday and the track was so rough I think 5 finished. They even had cautions so drivers could get more tear offs. Just throwing this info out there but people in Pa. would go nuts if a track charged these prices.
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