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Member Since 11 Feb 2007
Offline Last Active Jan 17 2014 06:39 PM

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In Topic: Transponders

01 July 2013 - 09:32 PM

I never realized it was scored in this manner, so helps to understand how it works after the explanation. I was not there Saturday and don't know the caution you are explaining but I would have to question one car getting his spot back and the other not when Jeremy mentions they both were spinning and got passed. I am assuming one car was able to not stop somehow while spinning across the line thus keeping his spot? Car stopping before the line obviously goes to tail for stopping. I would think if 2nd car did stop, regardless of crossing line or not, would be considered part of caution and sent to tail. The fact they crossed the line would have no impact on that would it? Keep up the good work WRP. See ya all soon.