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In Topic: Hey Matt Miley!!
17 September 2012 - 09:44 PM
Well Matt is probably drunk at some local bar, he'll be on here in a few hours making an even bigger a$$ of himself. But no worries on PPMS talk. Anyone that went this past weekend just witnessed their last Pittsburgher at PMS, at least with the Miley's as owner/promoters.
In Topic: Hey Matt Miley
15 September 2012 - 12:23 PM
I'm glad you guys agree. Maybe when you're done with work he can bring the Budweiser and you can bring the "good stuff" Mr. Toker. And together you guys can whine and moan about everyone who has done you wrong in wit u man! agree 100%
In Topic: Hey Matt Miley
15 September 2012 - 12:01 PM
NASCAR has a race on Sunday, rain forces them to postpone until Monday. You cant stay because of work. Would NASCAR give you a refund, NOPE! It's not the tracks fault your work schedule doesn't allow you to go. It's not ridiculous, and it's not the Miley's fault. Few years ago the firecracker was rescheduled I think to a Tueday. Lots of people couldn't return.
In Topic: Finally
03 September 2012 - 08:47 PM
I have to admit the price is high, but knowing my money will go into the pockets of local drivers makes it much easier for me to pay. People will always cry and complain, but if tracks like PMS ever go away, you morons would have nothing to cry and complain about. Paying out the best local Super Lates, the best local Sprints, the best local Mods and the best local Fastrack Lates is a pretty hefty payout, even given some of the purse is raised elsewhere. I would much rather watch guys like Hodgkiss be up in the top five than any of the WOO guys. I'll pay it, enjoy my time and go home happy. The ones that don't go will complain about it and probably spend your welfare and unemployment checks at the bar.
In Topic: 23rd JOOK George FASTRAK Fall Classic Pro Late 40!
27 August 2012 - 08:57 PM
Will Colton Flinner not be teched at inspection at this race just like he wasn't this previous Saturday? Or was Colton being waved by at inspection part of the Flinner clan's punishment?
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