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Member Since 17 Apr 2007
Offline Last Active Jun 10 2018 05:38 PM

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In Topic: Dog Hollow Racing Saturday Nights Now

30 May 2018 - 04:34 AM

Tom Crow......you guys were there Friday and finished 7th!!   Made mention of such in my column in AARN. Did you borrow someone else's tires???



Thanks  for the mention.  Had a good run going and got messed up coming to the checker.  TheUMP tires left over from Gateway Nationals and we junked  3 of them in the feature.

In Topic: Dog Hollow Racing Saturday Nights Now

29 May 2018 - 05:20 AM

Seems to me there will be a few guys who would run a two night circuit of Lernerville and Dog Hollow due to this change.  Doug Glessner, #17 was there Friday and he has been pretty much a Marion Center-Dog Hollow driver the past few years.





The UMP tire rule will keep us from racing at Lernerville.  Marion Center not opening is terrible news for us as we really enjoy racing there.


Tom Crow,  Car Owner  17g