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Member Since 20 Apr 2007
Offline Last Active Aug 01 2014 01:08 PM

Topics I've Started

Limaland Fantasy League UPDATE!!

01 August 2014 - 01:08 PM

I have decided to drop the Fantasy League as of now. After what has occurred the past few weeks I dont feel like being any way tied in with this track. Points will be counted up from week 13 and that will be the final season standings.   I have been attending Limaland since the summer of 1976! I love this race track and appreciate all the drivers and teams that have contributed to my entertainment. I spend my hard earned money at this track every week and continue to notice things that happen to drivers year after year for no apparent reason. #1 I am not a huge Randy Hannagan Fan! #2 The occurances that have happened to him since kings royal weekend are absolutely ridiculous.  To all the players that have participated the last 5 years I say THANK YOU! The fantasy League was fun and nice to see other fans enjoy picking their favorite drivers. I am sorry to you that this decision has been made. I will take my Friday night cash and do other things with my family or head to other tracks.  Thank you again for your participation!!!



Limaland Fantasy League Week 14 PICKS

21 July 2014 - 01:17 PM

July 25th Fricke Memorial race 2 session 3


SORRY about last week, I forgot until Friday morning about posting picks so I just skipped last week. Sorry again!


SPRINTS= Shawn Dancer bu Butch Schroeder


MODS= Matt Westfall   bu Casey Luedeke


STOCKS= Tim Cole  bu Frank Paladino

Limaland Fantasy League DOTY CLASSIC RESULTS

10 July 2014 - 01:51 PM

1.  Sylvester.................115

2.  pumpkinseed...........85

3.  skinnykenny............77

4.  armyduke................65

4.  djmuddy..................65

6.  sexysprintchick........60

7.  dirtfan20..................58

8.  sprintsizzler..............54

9.  coletrickle7..............43

Limaland Fantasy League Week 12 Picks(Doty Classic)

02 July 2014 - 09:19 AM

BRAD DOTY CLASSIC  7/9  race 6 session 2




1.  David Gravel


2.  Joey Saldana


3.  Randy Hannagan


Backups= Schatz, S.Kinser, Sweet

Limaland Fantasy League Week 11 RESULTS

02 July 2014 - 09:06 AM

Ohio Speedweek RESULTS


1.  sprintsizzler..................88

2.  pumpkinseed...............78

3.  skinnykenny.................77

4.  Sylvester......................75

5.  dirtfan20......................73

6.  djmuddy.......................68

7.  armyduke.....................58

8.  sexysprintchick.............56

9.  coletrickle7...................46