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- Member Title Cool Newbie
- Age 42 years old
- Birthday February 19, 1982
Lima, OH
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In Topic: What happened to the truck counts?
27 June 2011 - 10:10 PM
Well said guys
In Topic: Hoping mike a speedy recovery
07 July 2010 - 06:01 PM
Well said everybody let's all be friend and do what we do best GO FAST AND TURN LEFT lol
In Topic: Hoping mike a speedy recovery
07 July 2010 - 08:41 AM
For starters the doc had giving me some very gooooooooooooddddddddd drugs lol it numbs everything else in my body besides my foot imagine that lol. MOA I have herd everyone cry moan and complain a few years back it was the same thing when I was winning, after my 3rd win to be honest with you it sucked to win anymore people didn't like u know more my personal fans exspected it from me and I felt like an outkast if you tried to help anyone out I personally felt that they took it as being I was better than them and for someone that loves to race and be liked at the same time that was the hardest thing I ever encountered while racing. My point is that I. don't feel that my brother should feel that way he has put to much time and effort into getting where he's at right now. WRP is the only place we currently run and I would hate to loose that because people want to bitch and moan instead of trying to get better and put the time effort and what little money that may be there back into what they love. And for shawn he has had big shoes to fill and that is a hard thing to do but he had got the right people on his side and has done an excellent job doing it, he has never stopped learning and that's what it takes to win. I'm happy that the post wasn't meant to offend anyone cause that's the last thing we need in the class right now. Thanks to everybody that has wished me a speedy recovery now its up to my foot to control what the future brings cause my mind and heart says hurry and heal I wanna go racing lol. O yeah and I forgot I have to convence the wife it was just a freak thing that could of happened anywhere. She's a little nervous since the only two majior accidents we ever had has invoved me, what's the odds of that lol. I hope to see everyone Saturday. And if I don't I wish everybody the best of luck.
In Topic: Hoping mike a speedy recovery
05 July 2010 - 10:16 PM
For starters this is Mike if no one knew. I appreciate the posts the emails the texts and people stopping by the hospital to see me I have herd the only friends that you have at the racetrack are the ones you bring with you....NOT TRUE I saw the true colors of a few very important people that I race with and they did somethings for me, my wife and family that was never exspected you guys know who you are so again thanks. For the people who have saw the video on my facebook page I hope everybody can see that it was one of racings freak things. From what I understand I just caught him in a bad spot, the back bumper went through my firewall that was aluminum and I had a swing mount pedal kit from a modified that was secured very well untill the impact the cast metal that hold the pedals and resovoirs snapped in a few places, causing my big toe to break dislocate and force through the bottom of my foot. The pinky toe the doctor had to cut into so that he could put it back in place. The other three toes had to have pins inside them because all the bones were crushed. Doc says no weight for 6-8 weeks and not walking properly for a minimum of 3 mo. I read your post Master of all and it could be taking multiple different ways like matt stated we are all a very close group and thats why the comments were said, if you want a mature response you cant state something that can be taking multiple different ways. I personally dont know who you are but would enjoy meeting you, if your in the pits just stop bye and say hi. For everyone else thanks for all the things that have been done and said I hope the doctor is wrong and that I can get back into the truck before too long wish me luck.
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