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sschassis hasn't added any friends yet.
07 April 2017 - 01:50 PM
NEW, 15 X 12 4 3/4 2" Backspace Beadlock Wheels. Have 6 of them. $110.00 each IMG_0382.JPG 98.17KB 3 downloads
724-274-5502 SS Chassis & Supply, 3010 Edgecliff Rd. Lower Burrell Pa 15068
Some Non Beadlocks available also.
07 July 2016 - 08:56 AM
5 on 4 3/4 2" offset silver 15"x12" wheels have six wheels 120.00 each or take all six for 600.00 , all new and in their original boxes , also have a few 15x12 3"offset non beadlocks