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Member Since 23 Nov 2007
Offline Last Active Sep 07 2014 07:45 PM

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In Topic: PENN OHIO Pro Stock Series at PPMS Sunday Sept 14!

07 September 2014 - 06:06 PM

So this is a points race for Ohio p.a?

In Topic: ROP

07 September 2014 - 02:34 PM

Track00 you actually seem pretty level headed. Maybe a tad one sided because I know 36 personally and he is one of the most genuine men I know so it ticks me off a bit when people bitch in general about racers. Its a sport where people invest more than they have to do something they love. Sometimes drivers have more balls than brains and sometimes they're struggling a bit. But in today's day no one wrecks people on purpose. It's very rare. They're trying hard to get a checker. Maybe a check. Maybe some chips or a plastic trophy. But what makes us run on the ragged edge most is the checker.

In Topic: ROP

07 September 2014 - 02:27 PM

I was being nice vince. Lol

In Topic: ROP

07 September 2014 - 01:28 PM

So tell us what you think of the 25 spinning out 4 times a night in sportsman. Tell us of the 27 in the crates who causes thousands a night in damage. Tell us about how the 221 4cly can turn 600 rpms over the others where its not possible to change gears. Please enlighten me.

In Topic: ROP

07 September 2014 - 12:25 PM

Well u admitted u sit in the stands so your knowledge is questionable. And his car probably sounds illegal to you because its hitting on all 8 cly. How's the 56 sound to you. Probably like a top fuel dragster in your eyes.