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In Topic: Lernerville tech bulletin 7/16/2021
13 July 2021 - 10:59 AM
In Topic: Lernerville Speedway Canceled Tonight: 7-9-21
10 July 2021 - 12:08 AM
Bad things happen to bad people.Oh, too frigging bad. Hope they lost their shirts tonight . They deserve it.
In Topic: Lernerville tech for 7/9
09 July 2021 - 09:45 AM
Another great response that is 100% accurate. They know they can make a profit off of racing so they will continue to do so. The only thing that motivates them is money and that includes the people who can help them make money.Bottom line is the Tomson's are not fans of the sport. They bought Lernerville to make money. I think they try to look like they give a damn, but only in so far as it doesn't interfere with their bank account.
In Topic: Lernerville tech for 7/9
08 July 2021 - 11:24 AM
This is 100% accurate. Great response!!Maybe you should experience Lernerville from a racers point of view. I guarantee you'll have a different perspective. Some tracks are better than others. Some appreciate the racers and others don't. Some promoters will tell you "if you don't like it, go somewhere else". Nobody makes money at racing except the promotors. Us racers spend untold amounts of money to go racing , all it does is cost more and more all the time. Fuel $12 a gallon , tires are near $200 each,ya $200 ,how many do you think you need per week? Minimum of 4 if you wanna keep up with the rest of them. So if you wander why a racer gets pissed off over a bullshit call, technical or on track, try to understand that all the money we spend on racing is basically going into the promoters pocket. They need to appreciate us and realize we are the show they are selling. Without cars they have no show.
In Topic: Lernerville tech.
03 July 2021 - 08:39 AM
They have a board that consists of the family. They made the decision without even talking to me or knowing the real details of what happened and believe me it was nowhere near as egregious as the stories being spread made it out to be. I do take blame for even putting myself in a situation like that because I just gave them a very small reason to make me out as the bad guy. Greedy thin skinned people who think they do no wrong. Right or wrong nobody will ever win any battle against them.For more years that I can remember they've had the scrap yard location in Tarentum. Never did I see them re-invest monies into that operation. Whenever I originally heard they were taking control of lernerville I personally thought it was hand writing on the wall and that it was going to be the end of the place. So who is it that makes the call to ban someone for life ? I know smokie can be a hard ass but mostly I think he's always been fair. Foz, banned from Facebook only tells you they have maxwell smart ( wouldn't you like to be that dick head ) monitoring sites. That alone is pathetic. Agree to disagree and move on.
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