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Member Since 15 May 2008
Offline Last Active Feb 19 2011 09:59 AM

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In Topic: Drivers for this yr??

18 February 2011 - 01:26 AM

seems like a lot of guys are making the move to mods...it will be interesting to see how competitive that class becomes, even with losing Jon Henry and Jeff Babcock. Tyler Boggs is back into mods after running late models the last few years. not sure on his schedule though.

Max Stambaugh bought Williams car and will be running 360s. It would be interesting to see Dobie run. Possibly Sam Ashworth, he ran down south at skyline and KC last year.

another question is Heuerman. He has a car is for sale on craigslist. But its hard to say if its his 360 or 305.

Huermans post says that it was the fremont track championship car and that its his 305 also adds that he was going to race then had a kid so sounds like he might be done


In Topic: Done????

20 September 2010 - 09:10 PM

Skip i see newspaper advertisements for LMP and Eldora all the time every week (that they run) they have an ad in the evening leader (st.marys newspaper) and thats about 40 minutes away from both tracks. I have never seen one for WRP. The main problem for WRP is theres no history yet and ive said it before the inconsistent schedule hurts a lot also

In Topic: Thanks For The Memories

20 September 2010 - 09:07 PM

Just to make it clear i would love for WRP to shine and prosper and become one of the best money making tracks in the world (especially since its right down the road from me) but the changing the schedule and the inconsistency in what Dean says has made it very hard to keep an interest in WRP. Dean has been great for racing (as evident by his coming induction into the late model hall) but he hasnt done a whole lot for WRP to continue to grow into a money maker. There has been no updates to the facilities and the inconsistent schedule is a big thing. thanks Dean and his crew for at least attempting to make it work and hopefully whoever runs WRP next year i hope they update things and change some things but keep a consistent schedule

In Topic: Thanks For The Memories

20 September 2010 - 02:46 PM

surprise surprise Dean pulls the plug on yet another 360 show

In Topic: sprint car for sale

14 September 2010 - 08:40 PM

dont know him but does he plan on running it at LMP or where at?