Agreed with the one of the best sprintraces I have ever seen! O and I think the 2nd place car started like in 6th or 8 th and drove by most of the heroes to get there. And if you really are a fan of Ken Schraders you would not believe in conspiracies. No matter how the track is everyone has to race on the same thing. I have been trying to figure away to get Gene to tell me what was gonna happen with the track for over twenty years. Seems like Mother Nature still holds the key!Here's another conspiracy theory I'll throw out to you guys: They take a break, water the track, and the two college cars start up front and nobody touches them in the feature. A conspiracy theorist could say that the college teams have more knowledge of what the track prep guys are gonna do before features, thus having time to make adjustments, while the regular joe guys have to guess.
On a positive note: Last night's sprint feature was one of the BEST sprint car features I've seen in my 40+ years of coming to the track.
Everyone have a good weekend.
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In Topic: officals at Limaland
01 August 2011 - 02:07 AM
In Topic: officals at Limaland
01 August 2011 - 02:00 AM
In Topic: officals at Limaland
31 July 2011 - 12:56 AM
In Topic: 2011 season
09 May 2011 - 02:52 PM
ditto!you guys missed the point...but its ok. its expected
In Topic: 2011 season
04 May 2011 - 04:28 PM
Pretty observant! They were testing out the new cars and some pretty wild suspension stuff last night. They were doing it under the cover of darknesss so fellow competitors would not be able to spy or take photographs of this new technology. It gets a little hairy running that fast in the dark but the headlights the fab class made helped a ton. Kind of surprised that you didn't hear the new front wheel drive ministock They are trying to develope. It was within .4 tenths of the modified. If the mufflers hadn't have been knocked off they might have been able to get this past you.heard the college cars out last night gettin some track time. lets hope they stick with selected drivers this year instaed of throwing new guys in throughout the year. also I am bettin stock counts shoot up to close to 28-30. vets are coming back and with rule change might see a few cars down from oakshade.
mod count will be strong I am sure, but not certain bout the sprints...most expensive class has seen some top drivers missing last few seasons.
and there aren't enough up and comers (jared horstman) to fill the void. *praying for sun
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