![]() congratulations to Dennis Yoakam Motorsports
Started by hiwayman, Aug 30 2011 01:43 PM
38 replies to this topic
Posted 03 September 2011 - 02:23 AM
All I got to say is: Did anyone actually watch the video (Kings Race)? There was NO contact, Kyle simply out drove Randy! Randy chose NOT to lift and he ran out of real estate!!! No Favorites here, just stating facts the video don't lie!
2019 Race Counter - Total- 32 + (Rainouts- 13) Atomic- 4, Attica- 6, Eldora- 10, Fremont-6, Wayne County-2, Waynesfield- 3, Winchester-1,
2018 Race Counter - Total-33 + (Rainouts-18) Atomic-2, Attica-7, Eldora- 11, Fremont-3, Kokomo-1, Limaland-2, Mansfield-2, Waynesfield-4, Wayne County-1
2017 Race Counter - Total- 57 + (Rainouts-7) Atomic-3, Attica-5, Bedford-2, Bubba Raceway Park-3, Eldora-6, Eriez-1, Grandview-1, Knoxville-4, Lincoln Park-1, Lincoln-1, Lincoln Fairgrounds-1, Lebanon Valley NY-1, Lernerville-1, Macon- 1, Mansfield-3, Mercer-1, Orange County NY-1, Outlaw NY-1, PPMS-1, Port Royal-3, Selingsgrove-1, Sharon-1, Susquehanna-1, 34 Raceway-1, Tri-City-1, Wayne County-5, Waynesfield-1, Williams Grove-2, Volusia-3
2016 Race Counter: - 51 + (Rainouts-11) Attica-7, Atomic-2, Bedford PA-1 Bubbas Raceway Park-1, Eldora-10 Fremont-7, Gas City IN-1, Grandview PA-1, Kokomo-1, Lebanon Valley Speedway NY-1, Limaland-2, Lincoln Speedway PA-1, Millstream -2, Montpeiler IN-1, Port Royal PA-2, Sharon-1, Williams Grove PA-1, Wayne County-2, Waynesfield-4 Volusia-3.
2015 Race Counter: - 45 + (M. Nature-10) Atomic-1 Attica-2 Eldora-13 Fremont-2 Limaland-11 Millstream-3 Sharon-1 Wayne County-1 Waynesfield-11 2014 Race Counter: - 34 + (M. Nature-8) Eldora- 10 Fremont- 3 Limaland-6 Waynesfield- 15 2013 Race Counter: - 30 + (M. Nature-9) Eldora-6 Fremont-2 Gas City-1 Kokomo-1 Limaland-7 Waynesfield-13 2012 Race Counter: - 24 + (M. Nature-4) Attica-1 Eldora-7 Limaland-5 Winchester-1 Waynesfield-10 2011 Race Counter: - 32 + (M.Nature-16) Attica-4 Eldora-9 Fremont-5 Gas City-3 Limaland-10 Waynesfield-1 2010 Race Counter: - 30 + (M. Nature 10) Eldora-6 Limaland-12 Waynesfield-5 Millstream-2 MIS-2 Winchester-1 Attica-1 Fremont-1 2009 Race Counter: - 26 + (M. Nature 7)
Posted 03 September 2011 - 02:52 AM
Once again what i saw thats why im saying Randy would have done the exact same thing. Funniest part about this is im not even a Sauder fan i just know he is a helluva driver Just for the hell of it how many 410 races did Randy win this year? Edited by witness_24, 03 September 2011 - 02:59 AM.
Posted 04 September 2011 - 09:34 AM
Dennis Yoakam, was racing karts long before Kyle was born, and Hannigan is a former WoO driver, and been a solid sprint pilot for years. They have paid their dues, and are very deserving of a Championship.
You say:
But your first post in this thread....a thread congradulating Dennis Yoakam and his team.....was:
Every thread that someone starts regarding the bad/inconsistant calls by LMP officials, you chime right in in agreement, but then say:
More contradictions, and low class comments from you....nothing new from you, you've been doing it for years on this site.
Posted 04 September 2011 - 10:40 AM
For years lmao thats funny I congratulated Kyle Sauder on here because i figured it would be better than just starting another thread for championship congrats. Sauder deserves just as much thanks and praise as Randy does for their success this past season at Limaland and in the NRA. No i am not a big Sauder fan but I feel he should be congratulated just as much as any other champ. Then it continued with someone saying that he is a wrecker or checker type guy and I dont agree with that, yes he takes chances but what champion doesnt? Then someone said that Randy would not have done that same thing to Kyle and I believe that to be complete hog wash cuz any driver (not just Kyle or Randy) would have done that exact same thing, they never made contact but why in the world would someone just give a wide open lane for someone else to shoot past them to take 3 grand?????? NOT GONNA HAPPEN As for my thoughts on Dennis and Randy I can say congrats to them and I did in person the night of the Kings at Limaland.
Posted 05 September 2011 - 09:24 AM
I started this thread to congratulate a champion. witness24 used it to cut people down(or should i say clueless24) and i am sure after i post this he will get on here and have some comment about what i posted.I watched the video replay and all i can say is Randy Hannagan had two choices. 1-was to hit the wall or 2-was to hit Kyle. I think it shows what a class act he is, So witness24 dont get on here and say he would have drove kyle the same way because i have yet to see him take away someones line to win a race. Congratulatios to Dennis and Randy and the entire crew well deserved.
Posted 05 September 2011 - 09:28 AM
I didnt cut anyone down i said congrats to the other champion to thats what i said and then added that if they switched positions Randy would have done the same thing because no one hit anyone Kyle just shut the door. Seen Randy do that many times coming out of turn 2 at the beginning of a race and Sauder gets heat for it cuz he did it on the last lap last turn thats the only reason he is taking crap for it.
Posted 05 September 2011 - 01:53 PM
Yes, years. You've done it for the 2011 season, and the 2010 season..(and I was really hoping to find it farther back than that)..1+1=2 Definitions of plural (adj) plu·ral 1. referring to more than one: having a grammatical form that refers to more than one person or thing 2. concerning more than one: concerning, involving, or made up of more than one person or thing 3. plural category: the plural number category The plural form of "year" is "years" I went back as far as the program Racestud uses would allow me, to post quotes (AKA documented proof) of your fence straddling, and trollish put down of drivers and posters.....but the program only went back a couple of months. No matter, there is plenty of your 'style' on display in this thread alone! By congradulating Kyle Sauder in this thread (more specifically the way you congradulated him BTW, typing in CAPS is considered yelling)
then your portrayal of Dennis and Randy as 'crybabies'
And then when you say
proves a lack of class, on your part. And yes, you've done this same kind of crap for years on this site.
Posted 05 September 2011 - 08:15 PM
Need for Speed do you have any form of a life? I was not yelling (in caps) when i said congrats to Sauder I was simply stating the fact that he won the title, which is the truth. As for Randy and Dennis I was standing there 10 feet from them when they went off on Bob at Limaland a couple times this year, which again is a fact. As for congratulating them, I know as well as everyone else in this sport that anyone who wins a championship deserves it because they were the most consistent and best at what they did that whole season.
As for me talking like this for years since you believe all i do is run my mouth how about you go back and find anything that i said that was not a fact.
Posted 05 September 2011 - 10:10 PM
Hey witness 23...or I mean witness 24
(I'm taking an educated guess that you are one in the same. I can't believe that two different people would have user names so close to the same. Plus, witness 23 posted in the same type of style you do...and witness 23 joined 5/24/09...thus my 'years' statement) Some proof of witness 23's posting style Posted on: Aug 28 2010, 02:54 PM witness 23 Cool Newbie Group: Members Posts: 165 Joined: 24-May 09 Member No.: 10,790 Were u there???? Cuz if not u shouldnt open ur mouth and if u were there then maybe u should open ur eyes a little next time. Bowersock started at the same spot as normal but Bob realized that the UNOH sponsored Jeff Babcock was not going to be able to get around the much faster Bowersock. It was one of the worst calls i have ever seen and I go to limaland a lot which means ive seen some pretty crappy calls. Bob screwed Jerry last night and I hope Jerry comes back next year and wins the limaland title just to rub it in Bobs face. Real quick side note Jeff did what any other driver would do Bob handed him the race and he took it and thats cool with me not Jeffs doing he is a class act Posted on: Aug 25 2010, 10:52 AM witness 23 Cool Newbie Group: Members Posts: 165 Joined: 24-May 09 Member No.: 10,790 I find it funny u were with Dean when he "talked" to Brian that night because Dean was the only one on the golf cart while he was telling Brian. I was walking past when Dean drove past me on his golf cart and i stopped just to see what was going on. I was standing about 5 feet away from Dean and Brian when Dean told him if he didnt like it he could load it up and not race. Fact is your right WRP has great potential and I would personally love to see someone sink some money into it and make the facilities better and really make the track into something special Posted on: Sep 1 2009, 12:15 PM witness 23 Cool Newbie Group: Members Posts: 165 Joined: 24-May 09 Member No.: 10,790 funny thing is certain people can go through the pits cocking off and yelling at others but other drivers and crew cant say anything without having suspensions and stuff brought down on them love the racing at limaland but hate the favoritism Posted on: Aug 2 2009, 08:12 PM witness 23 Cool Newbie Group: Members Posts: 165 Joined: 24-May 09 Member No.: 10,790 im not saying its ok i already admitted that it was wrong (anyone with half a functioning brain can read) past that your acting like cheering for someone to wreck is a good thing. they both were wrong and i bet they both know they were wrong. you want another fact jr would have won that race had that not happened or none of this would have even happened if the flagman (or people in the tower) had half a brain and thrown the caution when it happened. we all seen in the mods that as soon as babcock (and i like jeff so i aint saying nothing bad about him) but as soon as his car went sideways in his heat race they through the yellow he wasnt even all the way around yet but hey you know let gehr spin and dont throw the yellow until someone else is involved Hmmmm, very similar to witness 24's posting style. ![]() BTW, I have a great life, thanks for asking, witness 23/24. And here is a fact for you: I'm not too lazy to start a new thread to congradulate someone, other than the people the thread was intended to be congradulating! Have a nice day. ![]()
Posted 06 September 2011 - 02:01 PM
I have never posted on here under any name except for witness_24, so once again you got nothing. You wasted your time looking up someone elses post and tried to say i wrote them. Like i said before find something that I have wrote on here that is not a fact before you start being a keyboard bad***. Or is this why you cant stand to be at a race track more than 5 hours so you can get home and spend hours on racestud looking up other people posts to try and make you feel better about yourself?
Posted 06 September 2011 - 11:42 PM
Does it matter who won the championship/in who's car/for what owner/how long they have been racing/how many shows they went to/who tore up more stuff???????????
Nope, the checks have been wrote out and you guys are still whining about nothing. Have fun at the banquet, i hope you all give each other high fives.
Posted 07 September 2011 - 03:45 PM
First off I would like to congradulate both Hannigan and Sauder as both are very deserving of there awards. I am actually glad to see them split the two titles because of the great racing they brought to this area. Cause lets face it without those two this year the racing would have been less exciting. I enjoy watching both drivers and have no side. Both of them are gassers and get evrything out of their cars. As far as the king race goes it was great racing by two great drivers. Sauder was obviously the faster car and made a clean pass. He got under randy in the turn and hannigan knew he was going to have to block to try and win the race. So he did what he had to and ran it in lower than previous laps to try and pinch Kyle off. Both of thier momentums took them up the track and Randy tagged the wall after jumping the cushion. Both trying to everything they could to win. I think we are making something out of nothing between two veteran drivers. Besides if randy was still racing with the outlaws he would have got slid alot harder than that in a heat race. Again congrats to both drivers.
Posted 07 September 2011 - 08:32 PM
For once in all the posts one that has no bashing and making the most sence of all of them. I wasnt there but its proably was almost like the Darren Long and Rob chaney from a few yrs back in the king. Yes the checks have been made out and i would have to say take it to the bank.
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