Well not so sure, heard from a little birdie that a letter was sent to Dirt ( not like they help much ) But who knows, maybe they are unaware of whats happening. I feel that if you write the rules, that somewhat makes you an "employee" of the track. Therefore, why would it be allowed to create your own rules for the division you build cars for as well as race yourself? Seems fishy. And also to changes the rules at your leisure? Again......Fishy. A group needs to be formed to get these rules under control before what i think is the best division is ruined. For example, the deck heights now are out of control, seems to need a rule to control that. I think we will change our car to match the deck heights of the newer ones getting built and add some wedge then put our spoiler on just to prove a point.
I have not seen the deck heights. Do you know what cars? Just S&S cars or others as well?
I will have to check it out once the stampede hits. Just nose on around a little bit. Ha