Keystone Open Announced for Saturday October 12th
at CNB Bank Raceway Park in Clearfield, PA
Track Management has announced the Keystone Open Saturday October 12th, 2013. The plan for the event is to give regional dirt track racers the opportunity to try out the Asphalt Speedway now that most of the local dirt track racing has ended, and at the same time get in one more event for the Street Stock, Charger, and 4-Cylinder Teams who have supported the track in the last few events.
"We are looking to build some solid numbers as we make plans for next year," said track owner Rob Hindt. "We've had some great conversations with local racers and we are really looking forward to working with them at this event as everyone makes plans toward next season."
"We are building something, and we need to get the local guys here that we can build our programs around into the future. You can bring in touring series, but there is nothing like the local and regional racers... that's what I've always believed and that is what I want to make happen here at the CNB Bank Raceway Park."
"I think its going to be a great event and we are hoping the fans will come out and support us as we continue working to make asphalt racing a mainstay here in the Central PA Region!"
Details are being worked out, some are posted below. For questions regarding the event please call the speedway at 814-389-6126.
October 12, 2013
10:00 AM Registration Begins & Pit Opens
12:00 PM Hillside and Grandstands Open
12:00 PM DIRT SS, PS & 4 Cyl Practice
(SS-30, PS-15, 4C-15)
1:00 PM Asphalt SS, Chgr and 4cyl Practice
(SS-20, PS-15, 4C-10)
1:45 PM 2nd Round of DIRT Practice
2:30 PM Practice Ends
2:45 PM Driver's Meeting
3:00 PM Heat Races (Dirt then Asphalt)
(SS-10, PS-7, 4C-5)
4:00 PM Invocation, National Anthem, Green Flag
4:15 PM Feature Races (Asphalt then Dirt)
(SS-20, PS-15, 4C-10)
6:30pm CNB Challenge - Dirt vs Asphalt
Sunset is ~6:30pm