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Connor Bobik memorial race

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#121 Pops


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Posted 11 August 2014 - 10:01 PM

I agree with Ramey that the focus should be on honoring that young warrior but if your going to honor someone then run the event in a manner that would do just that, showing favoritism is not a good way to be respectful, it is very disrespectful to other competitors that might have a chance at earning some of the purse monies that were available, cheating and favoritism is basically stealing from others and anyone who would want to win by cheating or having favoritism shown his or her way clearly has no sense of pride. The dust is one thing but running the event the way they did is another, just isn't right no matter how you slice it. Some of these Prima donna racers that think their $#!@ don't stink, need to have a black flag thrown at them a few times to set it straight. Until that happens they will think they can do whatever they want to and the B.S. will continue. 


#122 thebigdueceduece


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Posted 11 August 2014 - 10:11 PM

Ramey.....I absolutely agree!!!

#123 Ring Gear

Ring Gear

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Posted 12 August 2014 - 12:16 AM

First of all,  am I a Gregg Satterlee fan? ..... YOU BETCHA !!


Also a fan of the Z Man Mason Zeigler.   Good to see both these Western Pa guys doing well.


I appreciate the responses I got on some of my previous posts.  It looks like I might have upset a few people, but I was just commenting on some observations that I made.


Most notable, the lack of some drivers and cars from the $3,000 to win race at the Bobik Memorial this past weekend.


Now I am not talking about National Touring drivers but some of the Regional and local racers such as some L'Ville regulars.


At this race I did notice the lack of these kind of drivers and cars and that is why I Made some of the comments that I did.


I tried not to give any reasons for the absense of some cars for the fear of upsetting some people even more.


But what I did do was give the readers a clue as to what type of response that I might like to hear from them.  Like telling them that it '' didn't take a genius to figure this out ''


To my surprise I didn't hear a comment as to why.


I am not talking low car counts.  


Just the reasons for the '' no shows '' at a $3,000 to win race on a early start Sunday nite race.


I will continue to keep my reasons to myself.   So come on Race Studers,  Let's hear 'em..


Come on '' The Legend ''   I know you are lurking in the corner some where.

Edited by Ring Gear, 12 August 2014 - 12:19 AM.

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