I elect not to voice an opinion to the video, but I will say; I really hope all track owners and officials put in the proper rules and safety devices to prevent this from ever happening again at any track.
I don't know what you'd do. You can't fix stupid. Drivers get angry, some of them leave their car in search of justice. Short of suspending or banning them IF they don't get killed or worse, I can't think of a solution off the top of my head.
It's tragic that a young man lost his life. I feel for his family. It's tragic for Tony Stewart as well. This incident may have ended his career. At the very least, he may never be the same after this, and it didn't need to happen. It puts an unjustified black eye on Sprint car racing because people feel they know enough about it to comment on it when they can't tell the difference between Sprint car and Sprint Cup.