There were really only two drivers, Kyle Fink & Jimmy Holden, that ran both Mercer & Sportsman this past season. I doubt very much either would even consider dropping back to this crate engine class!! Are you saying the other five are all going to drop Sportsmans and go to Mercer where they would probably run mid-pack at best??? I realize that the drivers involved won't be happy with having to change engines and other things on their cars, however, overall I think this is a smart move for BOTH Sportsmans and RUSH!! With the exception of a win by an outside NY driver last year, Holden, Fink, Carl Weatherby and Andy Priest won all the races at Sportsmas during the 2014 season. I doubt Weatherby or Priest would drop back either as they have been around too long for that, so that sure does leave a lot of room for guys who couldn't beat those four to start winning races!! To me it looks like a win-win situation to the guys who change their cars over!!!