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Expo Speedway July 15, 2015

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#21 whiteboy55



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Posted 17 July 2015 - 02:20 PM

What do you mean by "co-exist"??   The American Racer Series seems to be doing fine at Marion Center & Dog Hollow!!  And it appears to me to be more of a tire deal that a track or race sanction like RUSH & FASTRAK.



none of the american racer guys are supporting Rush, and a few of them used to, if Rush would have a tire rule that would allow multiple manufacturers they would have more cars .


i understand that the AR series is more of a program than a series. AR wanted to give money to the racers . Rush does not allow AR's, they do want to co - exist , they would rather take the money that hoosier offers them than let american racer tires exist in their series . 


Hoosier gives money to Rush to force their series teams to buy Hoosiers.


American Racer gives the money to the racer that uses their product.

Stacie White


#22 Walt Wimer

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Posted 17 July 2015 - 03:17 PM

Joe Martin is a regular two night a week at American Racer tire tracks, but went to Eriez on June 7 for a RUSH Touring Series race where he finished fourth.  Most of the Dog Hollow-Marion Center drivers never did run many "Touring" races be it RUSH or FASTRAK.   Tire wars have been a part of racing for 40-50 years or more and both Hoosier and American Racer will continue to do whatever they need to do to gain an edge on the other and to make money!!  It's the old American Way!!   Tire rules have been around for years, and while I am neither pro or con on them, I don't see that changing as long as there are more than one tire company and many sanctions and tracks that the tire companies can make deals with. 



#23 Round Robin

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Posted 17 July 2015 - 05:41 PM

I'll be against brand specific tire rules till they bury me. The racer should be free to make the best deal he or she can make. I think durometer rules are fine, and chemical tire doping rules are good if you have the means to enforce them. But don't tell the racers who they can and can't do business with. That is flat out horsecrap.

#24 D1RT



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Posted 17 July 2015 - 07:53 PM

Joe Martin is a regular two night a week at American Racer tire tracks, but went to Eriez on June 7 for a RUSH Touring Series race where he finished fourth.  Most of the Dog Hollow-Marion Center drivers never did run many "Touring" races be it RUSH or FASTRAK.   Tire wars have been a part of racing for 40-50 years or more and both Hoosier and American Racer will continue to do whatever they need to do to gain an edge on the other and to make money!!  It's the old American Way!!   Tire rules have been around for years, and while I am neither pro or con on them, I don't see that changing as long as there are more than one tire company and many sanctions and tracks that the tire companies can make deals with. 



Tire wars.....

The funny thing is when the one company doesn't get their way they file lawsuits against the "other" tire company and get their back side handed to them multiple times in the court system over the years. 

If they thought their product was better or as good as the "other" company they would be shelling out the deals and offers to drivers, tracks, and series like the "other" company does.

#25 spike


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Posted 17 July 2015 - 08:19 PM

I was visiting a friend last week. He has run 360's and 305' at over fifty tracks. It's a hobby so he can pick and choose to run or not run. He isn't running now because of the tire rule. The next morning we met for breakfast and he brought another friend who races 305's. And he is currently not racing because of the tire rule. But the best part was when I asked him about another driver. And he told me, the other driver quit and sold his car. Not just any car, but the nicest car in the series. Said he wasn't going to pay $200 for a tire to run a $300 to win division. I'll always remember my friend's response. AND HE'S GOT MONEY!

#26 blaneyfan10



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Posted 17 July 2015 - 10:58 PM

spike your right the more rules they make the more it costs to run

#27 sundance



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Posted 17 July 2015 - 11:18 PM

The World of Outlaws, both Sprint and Late Models have tire rules, Lucas Late Models have tire rules, as well as the AllStars Fastrak and UMP all have tire rules. Just sayin.

#28 LM63


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Posted 17 July 2015 - 11:21 PM

Just what crate racing needs is an open tire rule..................smh

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