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Inaugural RUSH Pro Stock event to debut at Lernerville's Steel City Stampede; Over $15K in contingencies also going to Stock racers

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#21 old man d

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Posted 20 October 2015 - 04:48 PM

SORRY Flash, but the sportsman drivers are doing battle every week just like any other class.They also bust their butts all week to race. That being said i will still refuse to call them or any other class that races at their home track a support class. Again just my take.


#22 Crusty1


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Posted 20 October 2015 - 07:41 PM

And free anal lube for all the crate drivers!

I think you got it wrong 55, Lube is for the non-Crate drivers!

#23 pabandit


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Posted 20 October 2015 - 08:31 PM

 Dog Hollow is running the Crate/Open Street Stock class full time in 2016.

#24 sschassis


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Posted 20 October 2015 - 09:41 PM

I don't normaly like to respond to theise post but they seem to get read. This whole concept is just a bad idea. Crate motors take the sport out of racing to say the least.The fun and challenge of dirt racing is trying to hook up your car more than the other guy. Theise motors are "smooth" because they make little power, my little brothers harbor freight go kart motor has more excitement than a 604, and its only 100 bucks,I see the need to cut cost in racing to keep it going but this is not the answer. The motors are not the direct problem,If you could limit the suspension and or tire you can't use large H.P. This goes for all classes.The 602 and 604 was a bad idea from the get go, they just don't have enough smoke. Equalized low power causes teams to spend large dollars on exotic chassis,drivetrain,and suspension.I do not know why other alternatives were not looked at? not that I support a Manufacture takeover but why was something like GM525 not looked at ? A motor like this has way more to offer ALL Classes of dirt racing.Other  manufacturers now offer similar motors that are afordable and still keep you on your toes.But back to limit how the cars can hook up then you did limit the motor--- take note of the sportsman class, it has some of the best competition because of the limited rear suspension(double triangulated 4 link)Single line racing,running against the rev chip,and tires that will not spin does not sound like good racing for fans or drivers . This concept of everyone is equal got this country in trouble and now its getting racing in trouble........just my two cents

Edited by sschassis, 20 October 2015 - 10:08 PM.

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#25 whiteboy55



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Posted 20 October 2015 - 11:19 PM

AMEN, dead on ss

Stacie White

#26 The Legend

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Posted 21 October 2015 - 03:33 AM

That's what happened with crate lates .... Manufactures just developed extra light crate only parts ....

#27 The Legend

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Posted 21 October 2015 - 06:07 AM

Liberals search for solutions to problems that don't exist .... Instead of developing a new class of late models they should have refined the spec motor deal ppms had to make it so there was no advantage to buying 28k spec motors from a major builder .... They never should have allowed the heads to be touched period !! They should have had stock weight cranks only and enforced it and a spec cam shaft to eliminate the need for shaft rockers , keyway lifters and all of that other shit. Those motors could run 2000+ laps between rebuilds and anyone with mechanical skills could do their own rebuilds .... Instead they go the money grab route of
Crate motors and kick backs ... I just want to know how much did they get for each engine to essential sell their soul ??? I can't imagine it's much .... Then again when you run a business like Sargent Dewey on scary movie I guess every couple dollars helps

#28 Skull



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Posted 21 October 2015 - 06:14 AM

Of course there's kickbacks and shit. People don't get involved in the business end of racing out of the goodness of their heart. It's about the money. It has always been about the money. For racing to continue to exist, it has to be about the money.

I don't understand why basic business sense is such a hard concept for racing fans to accept.


No, I think everyone gets that it's all about the money. If I were one of the Tomson's, I'd be asking some hard questions about it.


Secondly, is Vikki Emig really the type of person Lernerville wants to throw in with, given her track record? She tried this crate stock crap at MRP and it was a miserable failure, like I hope it will be here. Speaking of being about the money, that's all she cares about and to that end, she will screw Lernerville and it's teams to turn a buck.


You people keep bitching about the bitching, but it isn't going to go away. I'd like to know why when other tracks tell teams, "if you don't like it, go somewhere else", it's the end of the world. When Lernerville does it, people are just suppose to smile and move on. I'd also like for someone to explain how forcing teams to go elsewhere or sell out is helping the class and by extension, the track. Emig's sponsors can give away all the shit they want. It's just putting a Band-Aid on a massive head wound.

#29 Paul55


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Posted 21 October 2015 - 11:15 AM

It's a bad idea period!!

(TEAM 14g/CAMPING-Paul Duratz)

#30 Hotrod98


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Posted 21 October 2015 - 11:49 AM

First off, didn't you run a crate up there for awhile chris? When Gary was trying to buy people into it back then? And now I hear he is doing the same thing again now. 380 back in action in a crate. Lol. Everyone has a price tag I guess, so Gary must have one that Vicki is willing to pay as well. As for the weight breaks and stuff, don't agree with it. You know yourself that safety is being jeoperdized. Look at brets car from the flip he took. Glad he was ok, but that car shouldn't have crushed like that where it did. It's a shame that Gary is pushing this to the point he is losing race drivers, and fans. I hop the stock stick together and boycott. And as for the so called prizes to be given away, like I said before, everyone has a price tag, and that to can be rigged to try to give a motor to a team that will put ass's in the seats. I hope someone wins the motor, puts it in a truck to haul there stock car to Dog Hollow to race.

#31 Hotrod98


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Posted 21 October 2015 - 12:00 PM

And I hope the Thompsons realize that they may as well plan another show in place of the End of the year stock car race. Because Lernerville will be the only track running crates, and the northern guys, and Chris just had the advantage really thrown there way to win the money now. So they may as well take it off the schedule neXT year, or replace it with something else. Either way, I am sure it will be crate related if Gary and Vicki have anything to do with it.

Edited by Hotrod98, 21 October 2015 - 12:03 PM.

#32 dirtstudent2



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Posted 21 October 2015 - 01:10 PM

"Either way, I am sure it will be crate related if Gary and Vicki have anything to do with it."


I don't know he is but if Gary moves on to other things next year, then who would be likely to become general manager and who would be likely to become race director?



#33 rg8711


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Posted 21 October 2015 - 02:48 PM

I find it funny that Chris is saying the 602/604 engine was NEVER a good option, meanwhile he ran one at lernerville to try to get people involved with it years ago. Now that it's happening and people don't like it, he wants nothing to do with it...kind of funny.


Meanwhile, people like 20j said even if he won the crate motor from Lernerville, he still would NEVER run it. I'm catching wind that the 20j was looking around for one...and possibly might have it in for this weekend......what a joke.

Edited by rg8711, 21 October 2015 - 02:49 PM.

#34 Foz20J


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Posted 21 October 2015 - 08:48 PM

Always having something to say on here about the 20J when the topic isn't even relevant to me. If you haven't realized by now, go check the classified board or somewhere on facebook. I'm selling out. I don't wanna race anymore. For many reasons. The crate engine deal is just one of those factors. Racing isn't in me anymore. I just want to move on. All the negativity and drama that surround racing and this class at Lernerville is just too much for me. I wish the best for everybody. And the 20J will be there this weekend, with the 358 and I will not be the one driving it. Since you need to know so bad what I'm doing for some reason. Their's all the facts.

Edited by Foz20J, 21 October 2015 - 09:42 PM.

"a man with momentum and nothing to lose is a dangerous person" - Jason Fosnaught

#35 Walt Wimer

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Posted 21 October 2015 - 09:07 PM

Jim....We will miss you!!!



#36 Hotrod98


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Posted 21 October 2015 - 09:07 PM

Well said Jim. Wish ya the best.

#37 Foz20J


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Posted 21 October 2015 - 09:42 PM

Thanks guys. I appreciate it and all the support ive been given over the years. I just lost that passion for it. The money, time, wasted energy, and stress have just caught up with me. Racing will always be in my blood but my heart n mind are telling me I need to step away and live my life. I'll miss it. That's for sure.

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#38 march66


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Posted 21 October 2015 - 10:20 PM

Jimmy bet you a dollar you will be there opening night with your 604! LOL  Good Luck what ever you do! Joe Kelley

#39 old man d

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Posted 21 October 2015 - 11:29 PM

Jim always enjoyed watching you race. You"ll be missed. Best of luck.

#40 Foz20J


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Posted 22 October 2015 - 07:17 AM

I'll bet you $2 I won't be there Joe. Lol. Thanks and I appreciate the kind words guys. Glad I could give some people something to cheer. That's what this sport is suppose to be about...entertainment.

"a man with momentum and nothing to lose is a dangerous person" - Jason Fosnaught

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