Sure LM number are down in the super class. When I started racing in 1986 there was one LM class, now there are 3 legitimate classes being supers, crates and 358.
For the most part the only different in these cars is engine output, otherwise every other bit a piece is the same form class to class.
What is the car count for all 3 classes?
All three classes offer very good racing, perhaps crates are the best at providing side by side action as the motors are so close compared to the other classes.
Its getting tough to field a super for a middle class family, chassis prices are up and one motor problem set ya back $6K.
Being a guy who feels he has good sponsor $$, works 60 hours a week at a office job and sacrifices all other hobbies to go racing and it not enough any more.
Having raced both super and crates in the past 4 years, I can tell ya crates are much less to operate even with the smaller purse.