That seems to be happening too often now days. None of the tracks on the same page for their dates. Next they will stop the higher paying shows at the local tracks and then you will have $100,000 cars racing for a thousand bucks and complaining it costs too much. Tracks cry about car counts and car owners cry about expenses. It's not going to get any better.Potomac had 12 lates for the 4 grand to win show

Posted 05 September 2017 - 08:14 AM
- CHEVY1A likes this
Posted 05 September 2017 - 02:47 PM
Walt, I think it's about track size. Bedford and Selingsgrove both are big 1/2 mile tracks and it takes a lot of motor. I have no idea what Potomac is ? That's why I believe Lernerville needs to cut the tops of those corners down and reduce there banking, I believe it was better racing, that and the ump deal I believe are keeping guys away.
Posted 05 September 2017 - 03:45 PM
Potomac is a small track, but they're located Southeast of DC in Maryland, and almost as much off the beaten path as Virginia Motor Speedway. Potomac never had good car counts, even when other tracks were awash with Super Late Models. It's really hard to get to Potomac on Friday nights, because you have to deal with the DC rush hour, which is horrendous.
Posted 06 September 2017 - 04:37 PM
I disagree about car counts Not getting better. America almost Ended November 2016 ... But it didn't! That is why it will get better!
Coal and oil are no longer under attack by Kenyans whos cousins sell oil to America! just one example .. If the Fake Republicans do what they got elected saying they would do .. Then a 3% growth economy will blast money into every part of American life ... The money has gone down a hole called Washington DC for many many years !
People need to fight back at their local level ! and call the asses in Washington regularly! and Harrass them !
Example : Tax assessment appeal : I just won AGAIN ! the 3rd time in 20 years on my first house !.. The Sodomites in Pittsburgh Re-asses peoples houses based on what their pension needs for a shot in the Arm .. NOT SOME REALISTIC ASSESMENT! cut my local taxes 157/ county 179/ School tax/ 1200 bucks !! Every year forever( or until they pull a bogus re-assessment again and im sure they will )
I received a Check from the county and Immediately went and spent 600 bucks on tires !! See how that works ?
And you don't need a lawyer ! just 2 hours away from work and 25 bucks for parking one morning every 4 or 5 years !
Bank called and asked " what do we do with this school tax refund check .. hmmmm 383?? or 406 ??? to start on
- TCM29 likes this
Posted 06 September 2017 - 05:19 PM
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