Id mostly have to agree here. I HATE that there is basically 3 divisions of the exact same car(E-Mods). It drives me nuts. There is no reason for it. By having 9000 different classes, it thins out the driver pool. Im not entirely sure I agree with someone moving up from Minis to Crates(Proper, Troyer) as a lateral shift, but so be it. The 305's killed themselves, by having 3 different sets of rules and having to change everything under the sun to run the other class. It was never EVER going to work, and it didnt. Went to Attica for the first time Friday night. THey have it figured out. Just wish these tracks around here would do the same, and get the same rules for the same classes instead of tweaking what they see fit. It does nothing but hurt them.
I agree. They have it figured out at that cluster of tracks in Ohio and in central PA. In central there are 3 classes region wide, couple subdividions within the sprints and late models then stocks. They pay headline divisions like headliners and they don't pay for touring support series money like we do for the rush touring series and uems. What did you think of Attica?
That was my main grip with the pro mods which are totally unecessary IMO. Emods are a solid class and economods have been very successful at their three tracks over the last 3-5 years. At least pro mods are northern based for now but I could do without those and the crate stocks. But those three economod tracks still can't agree on tire regulations. One says run 100's on the RR the other two say straight mediums. I do think the rush sprints were a very solid idea though. I'm a little surprised there haven't been any other tracks to pick up rush mods weekly.