And Jerry also drove a race car, a big block mod and a street stock, both purple and numbered 48 if I remember correctly.
Jerry was a race car driver,
He drove so god damned fast.
Posted 14 May 2019 - 09:25 PM
Posted 14 May 2019 - 09:26 PM
Posted 15 May 2019 - 07:04 PM
Jerry was a race car driver,
He drove so god damned fast.
Posted 19 May 2019 - 10:18 PM
Most interesting conversation on RaceStud in 2 years and it's two guys arguing about grammar.
Posted 05 June 2019 - 10:00 AM
kind of surprised this topic died especially after the big race, to be completed in August. looks like greg and chris both ran very well and there was no cage match in the pits, so what was the hype all about????
Posted 05 June 2019 - 10:08 AM
kind of surprised this topic died especially after the big race, to be completed in August. looks like greg and chris both ran very well and there was no cage match in the pits, so what was the hype all about????
There's no hype, no interest, but here you are reading the thread and resurrecting the topic. Hmmmmm..... I expect both to run well because they both have customers that they advise. The question is, who is better and thus who do you want to turn to for setup advice and expertise? Chris qualified 1 and Beach was 3rd but there was a good disparity on speed (but of course this is just qualifying. I expected both to be in the dash but only saw Chris. Too bad this was rained out because I want to see if Beech can drive to the front and contend with Chris, Charlier, and others. Can't wait until August!
Posted 05 June 2019 - 02:43 PM
lol no hype or no interest, really??? didn't you start this thread just to stir up controversy and see if both parties would show up and race each other? I'm thinking you were hoping this one would die so you wouldn't have to back peddle honeybadger
Posted 05 June 2019 - 02:49 PM
I started the thread to initiate an intelligent discussion on who is the best guy to take your stock car to when you are in need of setup support. Both are competitors off the track and I wanted to express my interest to see them compete ON the track.
The only time I backpeddle is when I want seconds at yo mama's house.
Posted 19 August 2019 - 06:52 AM
well finally got to see Chris and Greg on the same track together as the Ed Laboon memorial was finally completed on Saturday. Beech broke at the end but wasn't in the same zip code of Schneider as Chris went on to outlast a very fast Laboon car (Charlier in the 114).
Posted 24 August 2019 - 07:58 PM
I started the thread to initiate an intelligent discussion on who is the best guy to take your stock car to when you are in need of setup support. Both are competitors off the track and I wanted to express my interest to see them compete ON the track.
The only time I backpeddle is when I want seconds at yo mama's house.
Posted 26 August 2019 - 06:24 AM
I became a fan of Beech when I saw his car at Pittsburgh Saturday
He has Slumericn Shitizen on his spoiler and I know what it means now maybe
But he never was in the same zip code or league as the king and i still hate rap music that you listen to with you momma
The king has 56 cars I believe he said he built and they are all fast if they have a driver !
Anybody that wins a feature has accomplished more than 90% of any person who ever decided to get into stock car racing ! So hats off to yo booooyyeeee
I still cant figure out if your a boy or a girl but who cares
I meant no disrespect to Beach
Just that he is not on the same level as the king
Are you the same Davy Lee that drives that twisted heap of scrap metal 96L?? If so, that would explain your affinity for Beech since his fab work is just a cut above your shit bucket with wheels.
If you understand "Slumerican Shitizen" feel free to enlighten me. Is he lazy citizen? Shitty Amercian? or something else??
Posted 26 August 2019 - 07:17 AM
Are you the same Davy Lee that drives that twisted heap of scrap metal 96L?? If so, that would explain your affinity for Beech since his fab work is just a cut above your shit bucket with wheels.
If you understand "Slumerican Shitizen" feel free to enlighten me. Is he lazy citizen? Shitty Amercian? or something else??
Good luck getting a straight forward coherent answer from him.
Posted 26 August 2019 - 10:44 AM
Good luck getting a straight forward coherent answer from him.
yeah that will never happen. he's in another time zone.
Posted 26 August 2019 - 12:02 PM
Posted 26 August 2019 - 12:11 PM
Yah his car is beautiful!
Mine needs a new body and brilliant deduction
The name on my car is the same name as on here
I was planing to write you a rap song so you could understand but I lost interest
But I know now why you you wrote about the social description
And your girly bitchy answer when I asked why you wrote it didnt help
I never met Beach but one guy on here says he has lots of tatoos and or long hair and you shout out to heaven "Slumerican Shitizen"
And he has it on his spoiler of his beautiful racecar and his crew all have nice shirts
So if I see him I believe I will know who he is and tell him congratz on his wins
His car
And his little bitch on racestud
The people who I am talking about like poopy pants know who im talking about even if you don't
Ya honey badger like he said
You saw me Saturday night in a differnet time zone for 12 laps Thanks for watching
You're right, I didn't understand any of that incoherent rambling, maybe if it were a rap song I would understand it??
P.S. not only do I know what car you drive, I found this clip of you...
Posted 27 August 2019 - 12:00 PM
Posted 04 September 2019 - 11:33 AM
Now that Beech is selling his car he will no longer be able to race Chris in stock cars which is unfortunate..
However, just because he doesn't have a car, doesn't mean they still can't race! So let me pose this question..
Who would win in a footrace between Beech and Schneider. I feel that Chris' long golden locks will create far more drag than Beech's smooth bald head. Thoughts??
Posted 04 September 2019 - 11:42 AM
Posted 04 September 2019 - 01:26 PM
How much for the car the t-shirts and the bitch!?
He can still race him in a latemodel right?
cars gone, t shirts are not for sale (too valuable I'm assuming), and who's the bitch?
I don't believe he has a LM anymore either?
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