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Member Since 27 Apr 2009
Offline Last Active Sep 28 2021 05:19 PM

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In Topic: Pittsburgher admission prices

27 September 2021 - 09:13 PM

The prices are pretty outrageous, however, I will still be going, but I have several friends who will not pony up the $50 for the Saturday night show, and these folks are REAL race fans.  



I agree. This place is something else. Thats the issue Flash, people like you will still go no matter what the price is. Not talking down on you, but using what you said as an example as why they charge what they charge. Hopefully this si the last year and Lucas Oil moves the Saturday part to another track like Lernerville for a fall race.

Camping $50.00

No Food/drinks to be brought in.

All of this is Free or allowed during any race of the year. 


We are staying at home and watching it on MavTv Plus for Free. That $50 we would spend to get in will go a long ways with some pizza and beers.


Hope no one falls through the bleachers!