Crate motors are a costly alternative to super motors in a late model chassis .........rush crate motors are saddled to an authorized rush engine builder who charges for repairs that can be done in the shop and then rush charges for replacement seals ...... it's a shell game .....NOT the driver cost savings they lay claim to ..... but young guys who have never worked on a motor are at the mercy of rush's program ........the semi-late motor program at thunder mountain/hummingbird/hidden valley is a more cost effective alternative to super late motors ........IF you know how to fix/repair/tune/choose your parts and have the knowledge to control your own motor program ...... comparison to new is penny for penny equal ........I.m always in hopes of the crate motor racing dying out in favor of good ole 350 home built motors .....crate motors are great boat anchors and mail box bases ....JMO as always
From what I have seen of the 358 lates being run at the tracks you mention and others you're 100% spot on.
Another added cost saver is the 358 lates are not handcuffed by having to run/use all the mandated "official" fuel, tires, and on and on.
Also zero "membership" fees entry, fees, etc.