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Member Since 25 Aug 2011
Offline Last Active Feb 17 2020 09:56 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: You all need to post something on here it is the local racing board !

26 January 2020 - 08:49 AM

I havent been able to post forever (site wouldnt let me reply). If this shows up, I guess it fixed itself.

In Topic: Thunder Mountain Results?

18 May 2019 - 09:46 AM

The track surface was absolutely beautiful last night (and usually is). Very racey surface from top to bottom. Smooth but very fast. The place doesnt have the prestige (by some peoples standards) of lernerville, but to think guys go there to cherrypick is a bit of a stretch. The past year or so Thunder Mountain has been drawing some pretty tough cars, and more every week. They pay well and put on a nice show. I like lernerville too, but how many supers would you pick to have a shot at winning there each week? Norris is the obvious pick, and you just get random appearances from a car or two that can beat him.
The stock car classes were disappointing. For the money they pay weekly, I just dont see why youd miss running there when you can. The semi-lates and fwd classes had strong fields and put on a great show.

In Topic: Rain washes out Lucas Oil Late Model event at Sharon on Friday

13 April 2019 - 08:13 AM

Remember when the Lucas series raced there after rain? I dont know how much rain they got this time, but go back in the archives and freshen your memories on how that went. I dont blame them one bit for not wanting to go through that again.