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Member Since 25 Aug 2011
Offline Last Active Feb 17 2020 09:56 PM

#434293 huck

Posted by 714d on 08 October 2017 - 08:54 AM

Where did most of the other locals finish? He did better than all of you thought he would, admit it. Most guys never see the checkered flag in a 100 lap race, so that itself is an accomplishment for a non-touring team. As a bonus, he even got to beat his hero, bloomer. Lol

#433706 Nice Field at Thunder Mountain Tonight

Posted by 714d on 16 September 2017 - 06:16 AM

It was ridiculous the time that they ran the feature.

It was a late night, I can agree with that, but there were just shy of 40 late models that had to run time trials, heats, b-main, feature! There were cars pitted in the parking lot. I bet if they knew the car count they were going to get, they could've run less classes, but in a time when tracks cant even get a full field of cars for specials, who can take that risk? Good for them getting a damn good field of cars! I was home at 2:30am, yes, but I'm up at 7am responding to you. Suck it up, or stick to shows that only get 12 cars!

#432823 Thunder Mountain

Posted by 714d on 13 August 2017 - 09:40 PM

The real question should be can anybody even name five drivers in one class from that track. Or even total that race there.

Plenty of good cars there, and just starting to grow. Remember, also, this is a young track competing with lernerville and dog hollow for the Friday night cars. Most guys that try the place end up coming back again, plus drawing more and more northern cars. The question should be, why are all these big-name drivers you're looking for sitting on their couch when every track in pa rains out on Friday night and thunder mountain gets their show in every week? It's not a problem with the track, I'll guarantee that. They are busting their tails this year, and I'll go there any time because of it.

#432397 Great job Thunder Mountain!

Posted by 714d on 29 July 2017 - 08:37 AM

I worded that a little wrong. Sorry if it's misunderstood. I'm not saying no one else ran this week. I'm just pointing out that week after week they are putting 110% effort into racing, even when almost every Friday has either rained or had 80% chance of rain in the forecast. Cancelling the show just never seems to be an option for them, and I give them credit for it.

#432391 Great job Thunder Mountain!

Posted by 714d on 28 July 2017 - 10:17 PM

Have to give credit once again to them for sticking it to Mother Nature and running tonight, even though the forecast looked terrible. I'd love to see them get some guaranteed good weather to try to get car counts up where they deserve to have them, but great racing anyway. I feel bad because I know it's hard on their pockets on nights like that, but the extra effort goes beyond what ANY other area track puts in and it's not going unnoticed. Thank you!

#432371 are there too many special shows?

Posted by 714d on 28 July 2017 - 01:21 PM

Not many guys commit to running weekly (for points) because there's no incentive anymore. Most tracks (and I know there are a couple exceptions) only have 2 or 3 cars per class that make the full season without missing a race. It just makes more sense financially to pick and choose better paying races rather than run weekly shows if you aren't going to run for points somewhere anyway. That mindset created a higher demand for special races. There's plenty to debate about whether that's good or bad for the sport in the long run.

#431799 Semi-Lates

Posted by 714d on 12 July 2017 - 11:19 AM

Guys I've talked to are very happy with the class. Thunder mtn, Hummingbird, and dog hollow all run the same rules and I've seen some go to tech. Engine rules allow you to build a winning motor for $5-6k no problem. Cars are mostly 5-10 years old, so dirt cheap there. Thunder mountain pays a bit more than the other tracks, but Hummingbird seems to get a few more cars consistently running on Saturday nights with no other track to compete for cars. pays better than a street stock with WAY less expensive motor. If more guys keep getting into them, or on nights they all show up, it's some good racing.

#431637 Thunder Mountain

Posted by 714d on 08 July 2017 - 12:18 PM

Not great, but that's kind of my point. They seem to be doing things right for the racers. Just pointing that out so that maybe some guys will give it a shot that haven't yet when dog hollow or lernerville cancel. The locals are not showing up weekly, even if it's sunny and 75 (who knows the million reasons why. That's a whole new discussion) but there are guys who travel and are there every week. There have been some damn good cars there randomly that seem to like the place. Just giving credit where it's due and maybe a few drivers/fans take notice.

#431474 DOG HOLLOW SPECIAL Need Super Late Results

Posted by 714d on 04 July 2017 - 12:37 PM

Miley was about the only guy to get up on the high side and complete passes. Lap cars pretty much ruined his shot at the lead. Other than that, spins/crashes were the only reason guys advanced any positions. Follow the leader for the most part. Some side by side racing but nearly impossible to complete a pass. Not really complaining, but had the potential to be a heck of a race on a racier track. I'm just happy they avoided any weather issues.

#429899 VIDEO: Thunder Mountain Speedway | 4-28-17

Posted by 714d on 01 May 2017 - 07:15 PM

Can't wait for this week's Penn/Ohio race. If the racing is half as good as last week, it will be WELL worth the price of admission. They had 40 cars last year. It would be awesome to top that.

#428533 Heston speedway

Posted by 714d on 19 February 2017 - 07:39 PM

From my experience, people will stick around to watch an enduro (they are VERY good a lot of times). They pack up and leave for a regular race. It's a win for everyone to add them to the card once in a while.

#427881 Carl Edwards as had enough.

Posted by 714d on 17 January 2017 - 10:11 AM

I really don't think he's happy with NASCAR in general. He's too good of a guy to come right out and say it, but you know he feels he's been cheated by them on more than one occasion, most recently the last caution that he felt cost him a championship. It's gotta suck knowing that having the fastest car, the best crew, and giving 110%, it's just not all it takes to win. Luck plays its hand in all motor sports, but NASCAR has been pretty extreme lately, and a lot of drivers have been pretty vocal about it.

#427117 08 lazer updated price

Posted by 714d on 15 November 2016 - 09:31 AM

Hate to post off topic, but it's a free bump to the top.
What gears do you typically run at hummingbird and thunder mtn in these cars?

#427090 Hummingbird 2017 Rules posted

Posted by 714d on 13 November 2016 - 08:51 AM

Well they just ruined that class to gain a few cars!

I see your perspective, but on the other side of the coin:
Supers never seem to run any better than the steel blocks there, and they have a growing limited class for anyone who thinks they won't be competitive with the regular lates.

#425668 Any hummingbird updates

Posted by 714d on 11 September 2016 - 04:58 PM

8 fwd....10 pure stocks ($400 to win special)....8 street stocks....care to elaborate were i was wrong??

I'm not arguing that the car counts sucked, but you complained about it last week too. You complain about every track you ever go to. You like mods, go watch them somewhere. I had plenty to complain about at the bird too, but I was happy to be at the track bullshitting with friends and watching a little racing. I fully expected to get wet long before they got the features in (probably a huge reason for the car counts) so I was pretty happy to see some good racing among some pretty stout cars at the front of the lates. A crappy race at the local dirt track beats sitting home watching football or NASCRAP any Saturday night.