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Member Since 13 Apr 2012
Offline Last Active May 18 2018 12:42 PM

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In Topic: Rush Sprints may end up better that their brother lm's......

18 May 2018 - 08:54 AM

94.3, Best race Lernerville has had all year? Its also the first time the surface has been anything but total $hit. You can thank mother nature for that. 

In Topic: Payout for Lernerville

23 August 2017 - 03:55 PM


I enjoy watching each of those drivers and their ability to get a car through the corners well.  What's interesting about watching crates especially showed at Tri City last Sunday.  From the front runners to the back markers they were all the same speed down the back stretch.  It seems who wins a crate race is usually about who gets around the corner best and is the best racer.  Heck all crate racers should be able to afford an Xr1 with the money saved on engines.  Fans on this board would expect anyone who can't afford one to get out of Late Model racing.  You know if you can't afford Xr1 to race you have no business racing, but then everyone would complain about low crate car count.



It still goes farther than everything being equal and being a better driver. Now you need to look at the chassis, suspension, and every other bolt on piece. Because i would guarantee they are very close to being the best, which makes them much easier to drive. Lets be real, how hard can a car be to drive that only has 400 horsepower? Racing was built on progressively increasing divisions, and hence horsepower. If you cant handle a higher division, you drop back down to less horsepower.  How is that saving the driver any money?


And no, you cant buy an XR1 with the money saved from the crate engine. Do you know what JUST those chassis cost? As a student, do your research. While you're at it, look on the classifieds. Youll find SLM engines for cheaper than you think. What is with everyone's thought process these days that you must spend $50000 on brand new engines to be competitive around here? And people wonder why racing is dying. Everyone thinks they save money by buying a $5000 crate, yet they all lose their ass at the pay window all year long and constantly getting beat by guys that still spend more money. If you come to races in a toter and stacker and havent run anything more than a crate engine, you need to move up.

In Topic: Payout for Lernerville

23 August 2017 - 02:53 PM

ump keeps us away........tracks to heavy also........and those rush sprints will knock  410's around..........once they see what they run for in rush, and they grow, hotrod98's big talk will be in one......

RUSH Sprints pushing the 410s out? LOL

In Topic: Payout for Lernerville

23 August 2017 - 02:48 PM

I got denied the use of a rain check.  Was told they don't honor rain checks.  The guy next to me forgot to bring his, and asked if he could bring it next week and was told the same thing, No rain checks.  I call bullshit.  I call greed.

After missing 3 weeks to rain the pop goes up to $2.50.  They got my last dollar Friday night.  Down down down they go.

Dont worry. They are giving a big $50 to all drivers this week! I wonder if that's why the admission had gone up?

In Topic: Payout for Lernerville

23 August 2017 - 02:44 PM

Because watching Mike Pegher, Max Blair, and Russ King dominate crates with brand new Xr1's against a bunch of people that are 'low buck' is enjoyable? At least the supers go fast. I take piss breaks during the crate races and come back 1 lap later.

Yup, the hundreds of people in the stands will quit going if they don't get to see Mike Norris win 9 out of 10 combined heats and features over 8 cars every week, versus watching 24-28 weekly Crate late models instead.