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Member Since 31 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Feb 17 2015 07:14 PM

#399239 Mini outlaw karts

Posted by brian44mracing on 03 October 2014 - 11:39 AM

Are your referring to winged 2 cycle open motor karts? If so google PA wings. They are a touring series in pa and I believe they venture a little further out also. Otherwise, all open racing or "outlaw racing" is flat kart open that I am aware of.

#396387 New Tony Stewart evidence

Posted by brian44mracing on 22 August 2014 - 10:20 AM

Actually I just found it thanks. I love reading the extra posts below from those who think they no something about racecars but are really clueless.

#389934 Low car counts

Posted by brian44mracing on 11 May 2014 - 09:04 AM

There is no money out there. Thats why counts are low. Bottom line.


I only race karts so my budget is nowhere near you guys but look at my thoughts last week.


Rain everywhere on radar. One track left to race 2.5 hours away in central pa. Do I take the chance? Gonna cost 50 -75  to drive there at least. (which to you is small change but on a kart budget is alot).  I chose to stay home. I wanted to race so bad. Last three features got rained out. Made right decision but my point is I think a lot of teams are looking at it the same way I have to. If theres a chance I simply cant drive 3 hours and get rained out.


Now, when the weather is better we will see if the counts go up. These are obviously just my opinions.


The fans count is another story. I can understand being concerned about the weather but I really feel everyone needs to support these tracks that dont cancell because of a chance of rain. Other than opening night at Lernerville, the stands have been empty everywhere else. Sadly.