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Member Since 09 Sep 2014
Offline Last Active Nov 26 2023 05:41 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Any racing any kind today?

08 May 2022 - 08:52 AM

Eriez .... face book page says they're a go 

In Topic: ** White XE1 Alum Roof & A&B Pillars**

21 November 2021 - 06:36 PM

What's the length x width of the roof ? ... thanks

In Topic: How about a New idea special bump stop by "Ds2"

20 November 2021 - 12:42 PM


In Topic: Super Late question

15 November 2021 - 06:58 AM

Most would pick up the phone and call their chassis manufacturer and get a working number for the smasher and set the right front with those numbers .......

If a guy is out there on his own you must determine the travel that your particular chassis can work with ....... once the frame rail/ lower control arm/bumper cover hits the dirt you've obviously gone to far/ there's also a wheel load number that will cause tire shear / what that number is  ... is different with every conversation  ..... determining travel is not as easy as letting the right front down .... you need to lift the left rear up to simulation/lower the right rear to simulation ..... then lower the right front to max travel, measure it and put that in your note book ....  newer cars are traveling farther on the right front than older cars ..... trying to use numbers for a newer car on older chassis is a struggle cause of scrub issues .... If ya walk around the pits and talk "just" right front travel with those doing it every week, you'll get as many answers and opinions as you have cars ..... it's a given opinion with "most" that the 3" and 4" numbers are what most used to work with ....  But  guys with "newer" cars are talking about 41/4 and 41/2 " numbers ...... wheel loads at all those numbers are different with with everyone (it seems) now enter the options of which bump stop to use .... you've got the christmas tree style in three different heights and 4 or 5 durometer ratings with the ability to cut to length / the roller skate bump alone or sacked with washers / and springs with all kinds of ratings  ..... limited rules eliminate some selections but smash numbers can be manipulated with every choice of bump stop .... now enter the 6" body shock vs. the 7" body /stacked spring combinations ..... this response kinka got away from your question but the dead working distance is when the right front hits the dirt ... You've gone to far !  .... this post kinda rambles on and on .... but I think that comes from reading alot of your posts !!!!! this the opinion of a race fan so what do I know !!

In Topic: Fall Classic Weekend Night #2 at McKean County Raceway: 10-1-21

02 October 2021 - 10:07 AM

just cause .......  the 61w finished 16th and was on the track racing from green to checkered ....