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Member Since 01 Jun 2015
Offline Last Active Dec 14 2016 01:32 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Hummingbird 2017 Rules posted

13 December 2016 - 02:56 PM

Getting through a feature at Hummingbird is 75% keeping out of wrecks, 20% driver talent, and 5% everything else.      There are only 2-3 regulars there who if starting in the rear have a decent chance to move to the front without getting caught up in the cruisers or hot heads.   

In Topic: Halloween Madness @Dog Hollow Oct 22 featuring Super LM, Pure Stocks & Enduro

19 October 2016 - 08:38 AM

Are these 1 shot deals, or will the SLM and PS have heat races?

In Topic: Thunder Mountain vs. PPMS

04 October 2016 - 03:04 PM

I doubt anyone with half a chance to qualify for the Pittsburgher would be at Thunder Mountain, and not a lot of cars that follow the Penn Ohio, ran TM weekly, so I doubt it will effect much.  Good shows at both tracks no doubt

In Topic: Thunder Mountain ENDURO RULES

04 October 2016 - 03:01 PM

and obviously no pay for the enduro.   I don't see anywhere in the purse info where its listed.

In Topic: Peoples Natural Gas hopes to use Steel City Stampede as venue to help those i...

04 October 2016 - 02:57 PM

Brilliant Marketing on behalf of Peoples!    The stands are always full of people who would let their family starve so they can watch the races.   The ones who chose to blow $ on entertainment, rather than responsibility.    What better of a way to reach them!