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Member Since 02 Jul 2015
Offline Last Active Sep 16 2023 09:40 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: ULMS Tonight at Latrobe Speedway: 7-22-23

23 July 2023 - 03:42 PM

Any results from their Friday night show?

In Topic: Latrobe Speedway

28 May 2023 - 11:32 PM

How about checking the website? Results are posted.
Crate Late Models 
Clinton Hersh
Braeden Dillinger
Ryan Frazee
Dan Angelicciho
Joe Zuliksy 
18 cars 
305 Sprints 
Jim Morris
Tommy Jasen
Jacob Gamola
John Jerich
Vivian Jones
13 cars
Pure Stocks
Anthony Monteparte
Corey Farris 
EJ Rozak 
Matt White 
Jim Zufall 
10 cars
Mod 4 - Dayton Hazlett 
20 cars
Stock 4 - Justin Connors 
10 cars

In Topic: Latrobe FallFest night 2

10 October 2022 - 01:54 PM

But again they can't post results. I guess they're content being a second rate facility.

In Topic: Latrobe, any results

08 September 2022 - 11:42 PM

It's now midnight and they just posted something concerning the kids club on Facebook but still no results. The place is making a lot of improvements to the facility which is unheard of these days and I commend them for that but they need to put as much time into promoting the place to be credible. They had a super late model race which two cars showed up for and one broke in hot laps. I don't know if they still paid out to the one and only car ready to race or if there even was a race. They recently had a 5k to win sprint car race and 8 cars showed up. They managed to chase one of them off shortly after arrival by jerking him around (Sye Lynch ) about where he could pit (saw this first hand ) and another broke in qualifying which left 6 cars for a 5k to win race, are you kidding me! Look at the car counts compared to Marion Center. They're out in the middle of nowhere and pull more cars than Latrobe. Obviously pay out doesn't matter. They need to focus on getting info and results out there in a timely matter to inform the teams and fans. They have a nice web site but again it falls short on updates. I think they need to work on establishing a good weekly show and become a legitimate facility. Marion Center didn't happen overnight , lots of loyal teams and fans.

In Topic: Latrobe, any results

04 September 2022 - 05:54 PM

You do a great job Flash. I think you're the only reason this web site is still in operation. LOL