I've been on this board for 10 years now, but post much more infrequently these days. This place used to be fun, people would actually discuss racing and what went on at the weekly bull rings. Sure there was controversy, two people seeing the same racing incident, based on their own prejudices, preconceptions, and loyalties, will always have different ideas on what really happened. The discussion often got heated, but there were rarely any slanderous comments or things I would be embarrassed to have my kids read. Nowadays, everyone wants to be a smart-ass wise guy or just plain asshole.
The only reason these policies even have to be considered is because lots of "adults" don't know how to police their own comments and behavior. In days gone by, there were many occasions where the racestudders got together and introduced each other, and chatted up a storm about our favorite pasttime, auto racing. I have met lots of great racing friends from my association with this forum. But based on the inane, sarcastic, and downright libellous comments that seem to be the norm these days, I'm not so sure I ever want to meet some of you folks.
I get tired of the same old "freedom of speech" argument that is so misconstrued by so many of you. While you may not be put in jail for unpopular speech, such speech has consequences. Would any of you attend one of Pastor Beck's services and start interrupting his sermon, while shouting obscenities, and not expect to be removed from the premisis? Of course not. If such comments are going to be detrimental to a business, does the business owner just have to suck it up? Of course not. A little bit of restraint goes a long way, I hope some of you (a vocal minority) might take the hint.
Keith E. Donnelly
Edited by flash49, 16 July 2012 - 04:45 PM.