I gave you my bright idea. Shut up and let the racers deal with. If you had not started this "rumor" topic we wouldn't be discussing this. Maybe you should call Chris and ask him about it since you are so worried. But no you will post about it on here and make more rumors fly because that's what you do. It's a piece of metal frame rail man. Pretty sure the frame rail isn't gonna make the car faster lol. And I'm wrong all the time not afraid to admit that. But I don't post false facts I can tell ya that much. I research stuff like that first if I'm gonna flap my fingers.
Alright. Obviously, you are one of those people that "never lose" arguements. Im not going to waste my time with you. If anyone else has a respectable comment on the topic., I would love to hear it. I just want to figure out what is going on. That is all. Not trying to start a massive fight.
By the way ma'am, they have medication to help your 'issues'. See link below
As i said before, have a nice night. I hope the medication helps.