Posted 23 January 2014 - 04:16 PM
Posted 23 January 2014 - 04:38 PM
i also know one of the guys investing in this, they bought the property that the track is on along with additional property.Just talked to the guy in the video, he said the ppl that filmed it said that they bought the racetrack, He forgets how many million they said... I asked him if it was the property next to it and he said they told him the race track. So who knows.
they are going to lease the racetrack, i assume to the miley's. there will be racing in 2014 at PPMS.
Posted 23 January 2014 - 04:52 PM
Posted 23 January 2014 - 04:52 PM
Posted 23 January 2014 - 04:55 PM
Posted 23 January 2014 - 05:13 PM
Well u just got your taste of how mileys run shit lmao! Just think u didn't pay to get in either. Maybe it will work out some how but who knows.I give a RATS ASS....I just got a car to race this year and planned on racing there
Posted 23 January 2014 - 06:59 PM
says here its for sale at 800 grand..and I was just on the SWGR website reading about the big plans for stick and ball mania.
looks like its the end of racing as we know it and the bulldozers are getting fueled up.
f uck.
Edited by racer67x, 23 January 2014 - 07:39 PM.
Posted 23 January 2014 - 07:51 PM
Posted 23 January 2014 - 07:58 PM
The guy who put the whole deal together and got all the permits died .. then when the kids said they were going to proceed ..the investors backed out .. is what happened to that deal.. It was a done deal till the guy died .. now Allegheny county is leasing buildings and signing Gas drilling deals to fund their pensionNot to mention that if it isnt actually in the SAME spot as the track that it would not be built within 2 or 3 years minimum so therfore theres no reason to even bring it up. Matts answers all sufficed for what was being asked, he didnt say any land was sold, which for all we know it really isnt even sold yet, and that there will be a season this year.
Look what happened to the big NASCAR track that was going out near the airport, that had everything built on paper and other businesses came in to complement it.... how many NASCAR races has anybody attended in the area?
Posted 23 January 2014 - 08:09 PM
Edited by dirtguy200948, 23 January 2014 - 08:10 PM.
Posted 23 January 2014 - 08:29 PM
PMS will be running strong as ever!! I heard they have a great lineup this year.
Fred Schaefer Jr.
Managing Partner
Swagger Athletics
Never been to PPMS in my life but I looked at this companies FB page and they are saying they bought 73 acres off to the side of the track and that the track will not be affected. For what thats worth anyway. It also takes forever to get into there comments. People must be blowing up there FB page.
Posted 23 January 2014 - 09:10 PM
Posted 23 January 2014 - 09:14 PM
I am also going to say this in Matt Mileys defense ..... I also heard just now that he is contractually bound not to speak or comment about this deal .... His hands may be tied at the moment
Then how can he eat monster wings featuring his pittsburgh wings sauce!
Posted 24 January 2014 - 04:29 PM
Posted 24 January 2014 - 08:14 PM
i also know one of the guys investing in this, they bought the property that the track is on along with additional property.
they are going to lease the racetrack, i assume to the miley's. there will be racing in 2014 at PPMS.
I have always stayed out of the he said she said bull*&%$ on here but this will still always be my track . And anybody that knows me knows I have always been a Miley hater !! I have had it out with all of them and it pissed me off when they bought the track !!But I know reliable sources also and I heard the same thing !! The property next to the track and the track have been sold to Swagger and Mileys will be renting or leasing the track for 2014 and 2015 then its over track will be leveled and made into soccer fields!!!! Cause we all know how important it is for spoiled little yuppie kids to play soccer !!!! All the while the indoor facility breaks ground this year !! Hey Matt hows it look for 2016??? Do you knowhow to tell when a rotten Miley is lying to you ??? His mouth is movin!! Does anyone remember the story about Heidelberg being sold for a shopping plaza and it was denied and two years later the track was gone FOR A SHOPPING PLAZA!!!! So instead of sellin to someone that would wanna make something of it , its gone!!!! If Mileys cant have it then nobody can!!!If this all turns out to be true I hope the ghost of Nick Garin haunts you forever !!! Its a shame they will let racing down for soccer fields !!!REALLY !!! SMILE IN YOUR FACE STAB YOU IN THE BACK ITS THE MILEY WAY !! IF YOU DONT LIKE IT GO RACE SOMEWHERE ELSE , I WAS ALWAYS TOLD !! No choice soon !!! \m/
Posted 25 January 2014 - 09:48 AM
If this is the case, I wander if these people realize the shambles the bleachers are in when someone falls through the bleachers, they are just as liable as are the Mileys. So when they get sued there goes there soccer fields. I guess admission will be going up, and all refreshments, that cheeseburger will be $10. You know they will be trying to make as much as they can in the last 2 yrs. LMFAOI have always stayed out of the he said she said bull*&%$ on here but this will still always be my track . And anybody that knows me knows I have always been a Miley hater !! I have had it out with all of them and it pissed me off when they bought the track !!But I know reliable sources also and I heard the same thing !! The property next to the track and the track have been sold to Swagger and Mileys will be renting or leasing the track for 2014 and 2015 then its over track will be leveled and made into soccer fields!!!! Cause we all know how important it is for spoiled little yuppie kids to play soccer !!!! All the while the indoor facility breaks ground this year !! Hey Matt hows it look for 2016??? Do you knowhow to tell when a rotten Miley is lying to you ??? His mouth is movin!! Does anyone remember the story about Heidelberg being sold for a shopping plaza and it was denied and two years later the track was gone FOR A SHOPPING PLAZA!!!! So instead of sellin to someone that would wanna make something of it , its gone!!!! If Mileys cant have it then nobody can!!!If this all turns out to be true I hope the ghost of Nick Garin haunts you forever !!! Its a shame they will let racing down for soccer fields !!!REALLY !!! SMILE IN YOUR FACE STAB YOU IN THE BACK ITS THE MILEY WAY !! IF YOU DONT LIKE IT GO RACE SOMEWHERE ELSE , I WAS ALWAYS TOLD !! No choice soon !!! \m/
Posted 25 January 2014 - 03:41 PM
Posted 25 January 2014 - 03:54 PM
Did you completely ignore the whole part about the track wasn't sold ???Really.. If the Miley's have sold it who can blame them. Spend the 800k and show them how to turn a profit. The track is to big, the
crowd is not close enough to the action and racers have not supported the track for years. Remember this is a business and a business
does need to turn a profit. The economy has not recovered and will not for a long time. If someone gave me 800k I would sell. Time goes
on and there is always another track down the road. Who knows maybe they will open St Clairsville again.
Good luck Matt. At least you tried, that's more than most key boarders can say. Smokey had a great quote when I was complaining about a call.
"Sometimes you get the bear sometimes the bear gets you". You can't make everyone happy so do what ever is best for you and your business. Racers
will find somewhere to go in 2016.
Posted 25 January 2014 - 04:01 PM
Hell must of just froze over for once i agree with jon.Did you completely ignore the whole part about the track wasn't sold ???

Posted 25 January 2014 - 05:45 PM
Environmental testing has to be done before you can get bank $.
Banks don't want to end up with a haz-mat site on their hands if the deal ends up in foreclose.
Time will tell........lots of memories there .....over Many years!

Check out current info here.
Edited by BUTTBEAK, 25 January 2014 - 05:52 PM.
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