Yeah, where do people have jobs? I will go there.

Posted 27 May 2014 - 07:30 PM
Posted 28 May 2014 - 06:21 AM
Posted 28 May 2014 - 05:47 PM
Good idea...those people will have jobs, money...maybe even sponsor the newly renovated golf course!
Posted 28 May 2014 - 05:58 PM
After reading the message on the CNB Raceway park website today, you asphalt drivers better get your ass's up there. If theres not at least 4 cars in each class that class will be dropped for the remainder of the season so it says on the website.
Edited by CHEVY1A, 28 May 2014 - 06:00 PM.
- GOTTI likes this
Posted 28 May 2014 - 08:44 PM
Well I would like to know just how many asphalt Lates that are still left in the area? There are not many, and don't get me wrong I love asphalt racing, but perhaps the owners should have checked on this before they purchased the track.
Posted 28 May 2014 - 09:11 PM
Between Motordrome and Jennerstown so far this season, I count 15 different Lates. So far only 2 have run both tracks according to there results/point standings. Don't know how many more are out there.
Posted 28 May 2014 - 09:18 PM
So there are 15 Lates down there...Jennerstwon/Motordrome cars never really did support I wonder if there are any up here?
Posted 28 May 2014 - 09:19 PM
And instead of posting this on the website...they should be on the phone calling people...maybe they are...I don't know...
Posted 29 May 2014 - 12:59 AM
Gentlemen(I'll use that loosely for some),(just a little humor)
I think I explained things reasonably well in my letter on the website. I wasn't going to post it on Racestud, but Racer 111 did for me.
The ARCA Truck Race WILL happen and everyone that came to the race last Sunday got passes to the race this Saturday, May 31st. I have been on the phone a fair amount talking with drivers and potential racers.
The Clearfield area is definitely pro dirt, which is just the way it is for now.
I love asphalt racing and have no plans to stop.
Come out Saturday, May 31st and enjoy the ARCA Truck Race and hopefully a good group of supporting classes.
Rome wasn't built in a day, but it is time for some local support.
Posted 29 May 2014 - 03:17 AM
And where would that location be ??
Latrobe Pa.
Posted 29 May 2014 - 06:14 AM
Posted 29 May 2014 - 08:44 AM
Latrobe PA has jobs and people with a lot of disposable income?
Posted 29 May 2014 - 11:18 PM
Latrobe PA has jobs and people with a lot of disposable income?
I rest my case legend! IMO Latrobe Speedway is the only one of these tracks that could re-open and survive! Just hasn't had the right management!
Posted 29 May 2014 - 11:55 PM
Legend...if Latrobe ever opens back up....I challenge you to a match race! 1 for 1 or best two out of three!, winner takes all! Even if you have to get me out of the rest home to race! We will see if you can flat foot it the whole way around that place! Because that will be what it takes to win! I know I can! No dry slick hole there ! Put the gumbo tires on and go racing! Hope your motor ain't a weak dog...cause you'll find out real fast over there!
Posted 30 May 2014 - 04:32 AM
Posted 30 May 2014 - 06:28 AM
Posted 30 May 2014 - 07:18 AM
Posted 30 May 2014 - 11:48 AM
The Same Arnold Palmer airport than has like 1 flight a week going out lol
Better check that again! Take a ride over to might be surprised! Its a Hustling Bustling Place! Rte 30 at at airport intersection 982 looks like downtown Pittsburgh Everyobe I know that goes tyo Florida flys out of there!
Posted 30 May 2014 - 12:03 PM
Clearly your biased and wanting to go back to your stomp and steer glory days .... From what I remember Latrobe used to pull a Solid 7 or 8 late models most of who don't even race anymore. What cars do you think Latrobe would get on a weekly basis ? If you want hammer down why don't you just go to Bedford ??
Latrober got 8-10 good cars a night and about the same amount of junk! Theres only one wall at latrobe to hit(Front stretch). Bedford...theres a wall to hit inside and out the whole way around! Latrobe is the same size as Bedford just more round! Better banked sweeping turns1! Speeds are faster at Latrobe but you don't notice it because of no wall! Till you wreck! Best track surface left in racing! Latrobe was built as a racetrack! Bedford was built as a Sulky track! Love to watch racing at Bedford...Just don't like racing there! Too easy to loose a car! You going to loose one at Latrobe as well in a bad wreck. But its way easier to avoid a wreck at latrobe! And at latrobe...Run the softest tires you have all night there! Then run them again next week! In 2004 we ran there all season on six tires! I think on Most Sunday nights you had Geisler Banal Horton Minick Ranere Barberra Kutas Kain Bertges Zuccolotto Rhodes Lepro Flinner(sometimes) Shaltenbrand Mollock(sometimes) Miley(sometimes) Blose(sometimes) Not much Junk in that crowd! Plus the field fillers!
Posted 30 May 2014 - 12:17 PM
I really don't think the Latrobe area is that vibrant ... How many times has that track gone out of business already ??
Answer: As many times as racers and fans no longer had a reason to go there.
We use to tow two cars from Rootstown Ohio to go there. It was a dump, but the pay out and not having full fields for their special shows made it worth while. Yes, some low budget racers use to be able to make money racing and live on it.
No question asked but a hint anyway: Payout might possibly in a rare moment in Hades mean a higher car count and a reason for fans to go watch and racers to show up? Not everyone who races has a high dollar budget from their high dollar business. ...
... there are a lot fewer today doing it and maybe that's the reason for the low car count and tracks hurting, in our record breaking DOW economy? People don't go to the circus to watch tents put up, they go for the show.
Edited by dirtstudent2, 30 May 2014 - 12:18 PM.
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