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amp done for the year?

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#1 suhoney18


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Posted 12 August 2014 - 04:00 PM

hearing a lot of people saying amp is done for the year? i know how rumors get around but just curious if anyone actually knows anything for sure....

Edited by suhoney18, 12 August 2014 - 04:18 PM.


#2 deathpunch


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Posted 12 August 2014 - 04:03 PM

If they were done I don't know why they are promoting next weekends show

Edited by deathpunch, 12 August 2014 - 04:03 PM.

#3 suhoney18


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Posted 12 August 2014 - 04:18 PM

If they were done I don't know why they are promoting next weekends show

same exact thing I said

#4 The Legend

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Posted 12 August 2014 - 04:46 PM

Will you be offering your typical " yoke service "

#5 speedster101


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Posted 12 August 2014 - 04:47 PM

Maybe they'll cancel later today or tomorrow like last week

#6 rsadiedog


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Posted 12 August 2014 - 07:52 PM

So why do we think thy are done? Because they cancelled due to half of their workforce being unavailable? And if he does pull the plug because he is losing money can you blame him?

Here is a novel idea, if they run go watch or race whichever applies to you. If they don't, go somewhere else to watch or race. Some act like it is the only game in town and if Amp cancels all is lost. We are in one of the best states for dirt track racing, there are plenty of tracks. Just imagine if you were out west somewhere, my wife is from Wyoming, tracks there are far apart and there are very few of them. JMO

Nick Loffredo

#7 suhoney18


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Posted 12 August 2014 - 08:04 PM

I know for a fact that he still owes people money...I know of at least 3 people that have tried to call him today and he won't answer...it doesn't really matter to me if he closes or not...it just kinda irks me he would be so shady and not just come out and tell people what's going on

Edited by suhoney18, 12 August 2014 - 08:08 PM.

#8 Fox2525


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Posted 12 August 2014 - 08:51 PM

They are done just checked thier web site.....

#9 deathpunch


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Posted 12 August 2014 - 09:01 PM

Well with the favoritism this year jeff and the officials have definitely made a lot of enemies. .. u can't make money when u can't keep the drivers happy

#10 Kschaff913


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Posted 12 August 2014 - 09:05 PM

Bummer, I just built a semi late and was looking forward to running there. It would be nice if other tracks look into adding that class, it's more affordable that most and is a good class to get some experience in a late model

#11 suhoney18


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Posted 12 August 2014 - 09:06 PM

Way to advertise fan appreciation night without even a hint anything was wrong...freaking clowns

Edited by suhoney18, 12 August 2014 - 09:07 PM.

#12 kip77



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Posted 12 August 2014 - 09:15 PM


Motor racing, mountain climbing and bull fighting are the only true sports... All the rest are children's games played by adults." Ernest Hemingway

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#13 Toolbox3


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Posted 12 August 2014 - 09:22 PM

Think all the cars built to run amp are illegal for most other tracks! What a kick in the a$$!!!!!!



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Posted 12 August 2014 - 09:34 PM

Maybe the guy who owns Bradford will buy it and put a radio tower there

#15 THowe69


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Posted 12 August 2014 - 09:36 PM

Do you people actually blame Jeff for calling it quits? I don't think he was making much money off the track but I don't think he was losing either. I think the main reason he wanted rid of the place was because he was tired of dealing with people. He is a racer and it killed him not being on the track, and to top that off he had to constantly deal with people putting him, the track, and his employees down. The people that have bashed him are the first ones to complain that there is no longer a race track. The track promoters and the racers can only do so much it is not possible without fans. So my advice is you people need to start being supportive of local tracks and quit bashing them constantly or else there wont be any tracks left.  If you think that it so easy to operate a racetrack and your officials will always make the right calls that will please everyone.... by all means pull that checkbook out Suhoney write Mr. Taylor a check and show us all how it is done.

#16 J&NRacing


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Posted 12 August 2014 - 09:51 PM

Suhoney you're the clown!! You've done nothing but come on here and cry and bitch about everything Jeff and his crew have done since day 1!! You have NO idea what goes on behind the scenes, and EVERYTHING Jeff has done to give these guys a place to race each and every week!! Guys like you have done nothing to support this track! Each and every week Jeff was losing money, and Sundays race was the last straw when he lost thousands of dollars! Ironic that you are "BITCHING" about fan appreciation night when YOU don't even know the meaning of "Appreciation"!! and CLEARLY NOT A FAN!! It's people like you that like to come on these message boards and throw these tracks under the bus!! You guys think AMP is the ONLY track that has "illegal" cars??!! Give me a break!!! There isn't a class at ANY track that doesn't have favorites  or ALL LEGAL cars!!They do tech and people bitch ....don't do tech and people bitch!! It's the same at ANY track you go to!! So don't come on here and "single out AMP" because you have to be a "Message Board Bully"!! Here's a "hint about anything wrong"....IDIOTS like YOU didn't support the track!!!

#17 Toolbox3


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Posted 12 August 2014 - 09:53 PM

Jeff should have never picked Saturday night to race, three tracks that close to each other wasn't gonna work out for somebody!!!!

#18 suhoney18


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Posted 12 August 2014 - 10:11 PM

ehh nevermind, you guys aint even worth it....

Edited by suhoney18, 12 August 2014 - 10:27 PM.

#19 RocketRide


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Posted 13 August 2014 - 05:38 AM

Bingo Toolbox 3, That was my biggest concern when they decided to run sat nites, This whole deal is sad, we really liked the place and hoped it would work out, we wish management the best and hope things work out for amp in the future. Its a bummer for all the fans that were looking forward to fan appreciation night which was announced sunday , probably should of finished out the season in my opinion.

Edited by RocketRide, 13 August 2014 - 05:57 AM.

#20 D1RT



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Posted 13 August 2014 - 05:54 AM

Many questioned the Saturday night racing when it was announced. History has proven the fans and drivers do not support Saturday night racing in Clearfield at either the asphalt or dirt tracks. 

You have two other tracks within close proximity that are established with a fan and car base along with those fans and drivers knowing they'll have a place to race at week to week year to year.

Until someone tries Friday or Sunday racing in Clearfield it is going to take a deep pocket Don Martin type promoter to make it work up there on Saturday nights IMO......

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