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amp done for the year?

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#21 ProDirt


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Posted 13 August 2014 - 06:16 AM

From AMP web page :

The management of America’s Motorsports Park is, with regret, announcing the cancellation of the last four races of the 2014 season. The 2015 season will be special events only with no weekly racing. Also, AMP is for sale. Any interested parties can contact Jeff Taylor thru e- mail only at taylorsprint17@yahoo.com


#22 The Legend

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Posted 13 August 2014 - 06:18 AM

Now that the place is closed sunhoney can post up a more permeant servicing area behind the concession stand ..... Or maybe bring her knee pads down to ppms and ply her trade with a whole new
Crowd ...

#23 speedster101


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Posted 13 August 2014 - 06:25 AM

Maybe they'll cancel later today or tomorrow like last week

#24 T-440


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Posted 13 August 2014 - 09:17 AM

In regards to running Saturday nights, BOTH tracks in Clearfield tried running Friday nights and didn't do any better than Saturday's.  People will say how great things were at CPS, and for specials, I'll agree, some of the largest crowds I've seen at dirt track races were the big late model specials at CPS.  But, for regular Friday night races, they didn't have any better fan or car turnout than any of the other tracks in the area.  I don't think I ever saw a full field of cars in any class for regular Friday night shows at CPS, and I only missed maybe 4 nights there.  Gamblers did the Friday night thing for a while, and while I think they gaining momentum, they still weren't drawing any better than the other tracks the area. 


As for AMP closing, it is a shame that it happend.  I haven't made it up there near as much as I hoped to. 

#25 TAS


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Posted 13 August 2014 - 09:51 AM

Bummer, I just built a semi late and was looking forward to running there. It would be nice if other tracks look into adding that class, it's more affordable that most and is a good class to get some experience in a late model


#26 speedster101


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Posted 13 August 2014 - 04:39 PM


Nicer track too

#27 Toolbox3


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Posted 13 August 2014 - 05:13 PM

What happened to the fans that paid for their hillside spots? Guess they got robbed from Jeff and what about the guys that built a semi late for there,with the cam rule they got no place to run and be fast!! A lot of fans and drivers got screwed

#28 714d


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Posted 13 August 2014 - 06:03 PM

Someone always gets hurt when places go under. I don't think that was his intention. The signs have been there since this time last season though. If you build a car for one specific track, you have to assume that risk. There's no way I would personally build a car that I could only run at one track ever, under any circumstances.
If I went to a burger joint everyday and they suddenly closed the doors I wouldn't be mad at the owner and expect him to keep cooking me burgers. I'd be faced with the choice of either finding another burger joint or quit eating burgers. Point being.... Go try another burger joint, you just might like it.

#29 The Legend

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Posted 13 August 2014 - 07:26 PM

Here we go again .... You
People act like Jeff made millions off this track
And took everyone's money like
Bernie madoff ..... He lost a shit ton of money !!!!' Get it
Through your head !!!

#30 714d


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Posted 13 August 2014 - 08:48 PM

Here we go again .... You
People act like Jeff made millions off this track
And took everyone's money like
Bernie madoff ..... He lost a shit ton of money !!!!' Get it
Through your head !!!

If that's directed toward me, you misunderstood. I'm saying guys who built cars to run there and are now illegal or otherwise unable to run anywhere else have to right to bitch. They can be upset at the money they wasted, but not upset at a track owner.

#31 m_stagev



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Posted 13 August 2014 - 09:11 PM

If that's directed toward me, you misunderstood. I'm saying guys who built cars to run there and are now illegal or otherwise unable to run anywhere else have to right to bitch. They can be upset at the money they wasted, but not upset at a track owner.

well any track that has a 2400 pound super late weight limit and cannot understand why no cars show up is lost.( I personally tried to contact the public relations at the track several times to ask why) and never got a reply back.( alert) the weight limit at any of the tri state tracks I have been to is 2250.why turn away aluminum block late models for 10 steel blocks explain that to me. as for Clinton county a little better lighting and they will have a pretty good program. been there two times been treated fine but a lot of the wrecking would be prevented with some lighting upgrades.it is hard to see from the seat of a late model at the speeds the cars are going these days.

#32 Kschaff913


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Posted 13 August 2014 - 09:50 PM

I'm not upset at the owner at all, I just said it's a bummer I built a semi late( which is my first race car) and now I can't run there. I did go to clinton county last week to race, it's nice but it's also another hour and 15 minute drive for me.

#33 Express Man

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Posted 13 August 2014 - 11:20 PM

In the beginning of the season....lots of racers had plans to run there?????  Guess he shouldn't of cut the purse!  That was his death sentence!

#34 The Legend

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Posted 14 August 2014 - 12:53 AM

So a place that was already bleeding money just needed to pay more lol lol and you claim to run businesses ....

#35 Express Man

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Posted 14 August 2014 - 03:47 AM

Legend.....Did you ever hear you get what you pay for??? If you have a quality purse...you get quality cars and drivers!  If you have a sub-standard purse...  you get Like competitors!  You can't race a $100,000.00 car for $100.00 bucks!  Buy paying a low purse and haveing a 2400 lbs weight limit..... you are asking for the bottom rung  competitors!  This doesn't bring people in the stands!  Question is???? do you want to grow your business or not?  Maybe you could cut your price by useing sub standard Lumber????  But would this build the business???  or just get you some quick jobs because your price was cheap???  But no return business?  You get what you pay for!  Thats why Walmart is a success....and K mart is  going by the wayside!  People want name brand goods at an affordable price!  And they will keep comming back....verses second hand good at a cheap price!  People(Fans) want to see name drivers!  Not little Johhny or Billy that bought a 1994 Bullit chassis and dad built him a real strong 406 steelblock with 23 degree heads on it.!  Johnny and Billy can run for $100.00 because they only have 10k in thier entire car!  The legend has $100,000.00 in his car and needs $150.00 to start before he is willing to risk his equipment!  Like I said...you get what you pay for!  Funny thing...Look at the results from weekend racing....and you will see the tracks that pay a decent purse get good car counts??>??  Imagine that!

#36 The Legend

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Posted 14 August 2014 - 07:16 AM

Express man. I have worked for 2 guys who are currently president and CEO of company's that generate billions in revenue annually and have TREMENDOUS balance sheets. I have discussed business strategy for hours with each of them and their advice is diametrically opposed to every word you type . Your " build it and they will come and " spend it to make it " theory's have been debunked 10's of thousands of times. By your logic unions should have the most efficient productive work forces known to man .... Yet anyone with half a brain knows the opposite is true. Why do you think multi billion dollar company's disappear after 75 years ??? It's because they follow YOUR advice !!! No offense but you are the one claiming a guy can't afford to race a super late for 100 to start NOT me !!! I will stick to doing what I do and you can do what you do ... And we will see who gets where

#37 T-440


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Posted 14 August 2014 - 07:53 AM

Legend.....Did you ever hear you get what you pay for??? If you have a quality purse...you get quality cars and drivers!  If you have a sub-standard purse...  you get Like competitors!  You can't race a $100,000.00 car for $100.00 bucks!  Buy paying a low purse and haveing a 2400 lbs weight limit..... you are asking for the bottom rung  competitors!  This doesn't bring people in the stands!  Question is???? do you want to grow your business or not?  Maybe you could cut your price by useing sub standard Lumber????  But would this build the business???  or just get you some quick jobs because your price was cheap???  But no return business?  You get what you pay for!  Thats why Walmart is a success....and K mart is  going by the wayside!  People want name brand goods at an affordable price!  And they will keep comming back....verses second hand good at a cheap price!  People(Fans) want to see name drivers!  Not little Johhny or Billy that bought a 1994 Bullit chassis and dad built him a real strong 406 steelblock with 23 degree heads on it.!  Johnny and Billy can run for $100.00 because they only have 10k in thier entire car!  The legend has $100,000.00 in his car and needs $150.00 to start before he is willing to risk his equipment!  Like I said...you get what you pay for!  Funny thing...Look at the results from weekend racing....and you will see the tracks that pay a decent purse get good car counts??>??  Imagine that!

Who do you consider "name" drivers that would have raced at AMP on a weekly basis if the purse was higher? 

#38 race ace

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Posted 14 August 2014 - 11:54 AM

i was at the race on sunday and went over to buy chances on the prizes for the connor bobik memorial race and for the life of me i swear they had a decent crowd there and everyone paid 15 dollars for a ticket and 30 dollars for pit passes ,i dont own a track but if losing money on one race puts you under then you should back out  ,i know there were 12 people in the three spots my gang has and all of them except two were adults at 15 dollars a head .you cant go around bouncing checks and having people chase you for money and then kick them out for being pissed off at you and that is exactly what was done here . funny how he gets a new sprint car and wants to go racing and then folds up because he is losing money .say what you want, what is done is done BUT i talked to the grandson of the original owners and he said there are already people looking at the track and he would not be surprised to see it be reopened but does not know anything for sure .i went to the Dog hollow race the 4th of july and saw latemodels , street stocks ,pure stocks and 4 cylinders at 15 dollars a head and the guy  was almost doing cart wheels at the size of his crowd and they ran out of food but then again he has latemodel rules that match  everyones weight ,rules guys are not going to add weight and re-scale a car for just one race . good luck to all involved here maybe the new owner will listen when car owners have concerns.

race ace

#39 thebigdueceduece


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Posted 14 August 2014 - 12:28 PM

Make the track wider so you can race without building a monster bumper on the car to move people. Blose last week got a bunch of shit on how he passed ppl there....but....let's be honest here...your not passing someone there without getting into to them...unless you are WAYYY faster. Widen the track so you can have at least SIDE BY SIDE racing. That follow the leader stuff is boring. You wanna see that shit...stay home and watch NASCAR.

Edited by thebigdueceduece, 14 August 2014 - 12:29 PM.

#40 m_stagev



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Posted 14 August 2014 - 12:36 PM

i was at the race on sunday and went over to buy chances on the prizes for the connor bobik memorial race and for the life of me i swear they had a decent crowd there and everyone paid 15 dollars for a ticket and 30 dollars for pit passes ,i dont own a track but if losing money on one race puts you under then you should back out  ,i know there were 12 people in the three spots my gang has and all of them except two were adults at 15 dollars a head .you cant go around bouncing checks and having people chase you for money and then kick them out for being pissed off at you and that is exactly what was done here . funny how he gets a new sprint car and wants to go racing and then folds up because he is losing money .say what you want, what is done is done BUT i talked to the grandson of the original owners and he said there are already people looking at the track and he would not be surprised to see it be reopened but does not know anything for sure .i went to the Dog hollow race the 4th of july and saw latemodels , street stocks ,pure stocks and 4 cylinders at 15 dollars a head and the guy  was almost doing cart wheels at the size of his crowd and they ran out of food but then again he has latemodel rules that match  everyones weight ,rules guys are not going to add weight and re-scale a car for just one race . good luck to all involved here maybe the new owner will listen when car owners have concerns.

agreed pay and weight rule are huge but I have seen a lot of guys run for nothing example dog hollow but to cater to ten steel blocks and turn away a potential fifteen more late models makes no sense to me, now they can all go to the bird and race the other steel block cars.

Edited by m_stagev, 14 August 2014 - 12:36 PM.

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