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Pittsburgher 100 ..... Crate cars

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#121 DavyLee2



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Posted 07 September 2015 - 12:12 PM

There are several stock car guys that have abandoned Pittsburgh and only have returned because of Vince Laboon!


Flash ,America is Mainstream NON union . Non Union = Mainstream America by about 80%!. Unions use their members dues to EXCLUSIVELY contribute to the promoters and  the policymakers of Sodomy Abortion and Communism.... the LEFT WING!

Its time to get it straight . 

ps non union people with valid skills bill for much more than the union! and no dues to promote planned parenthood candidates.

There are 10s of thousands of organizations who pool their resources and money together and have someone represent them .. Like the people who raced the Pittsburgher!,  The P.T.A. the builders assoc. etc etc The same thing . Its as American as apple pie .. the difference is lucas doesn't fund Left Wing Radicals like the " Unions" .Would Bloomquist show up to race for the same money as last place?

I applaud those drivers too .. Taking $100 from your pocket and calling it an entry fee is a pretty tough deal !.


#122 dirtstudent2



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Posted 07 September 2015 - 12:34 PM

Was it a Rush sanctioned race?

#123 flash49


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Posted 07 September 2015 - 01:18 PM

Thanks for the history lesson Davey Lee.  You genius is astounding.




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Posted 07 September 2015 - 01:21 PM

Was it a Rush sanctioned race?


Yep, so there name and integrity  has also been blighted by this blatant theft, by the $Miser.


If you were looking for a model of how to destroy a buisness, the $Miser group has it down to  science.


What a SNAKE! It's something every week.

Edited by BUTTBEAK, 08 September 2015 - 12:15 AM.

#125 jo73


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Posted 07 September 2015 - 01:21 PM

To my knowledge it was NOT a sanctioned Rush crate race.

#126 jo73


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Posted 07 September 2015 - 01:26 PM

Ok. Buttbreak. Your saying that was a Rush sanctioned TOUR race ? Or just a Rush weekly points paying race ? If that was a tour race then where the hell were the cars at ?

#127 dirtstudent2



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Posted 07 September 2015 - 01:36 PM


Edited by dirtstudent2, 07 September 2015 - 01:44 PM.

#128 Chrome Horn

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Posted 07 September 2015 - 01:36 PM

PPMS is a rush sanctioned weekly track. The race at the Pittsburgher was not a rush tour race to clear any confusion.




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Posted 07 September 2015 - 01:36 PM

Weekly, hence RUSH crate late model. I would suggest that is where the teams ripped off should move with there grievance, as a group.

#130 jo73


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Posted 07 September 2015 - 01:37 PM

DavyLee2. Did you work today ? Communism. Maybe you should go to Syria and really understand what Communism really is...That asshole over there kills and gasses his own people...Kids, pal. That haven't or do not deserve that shit. In fact a holes like you should move there........

#131 Chrome Horn

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Posted 07 September 2015 - 01:37 PM

Also another thing I wondered, the JOOK race had a 50 dollar entry fee for 2100 to win. I don't see how a 2000 to win race would have a 100 dollar entry fee? I wish someone could post the jook flyer to compare the payouts.

#132 racer67x



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Posted 07 September 2015 - 01:43 PM

DavyLee2. Did you work today ? Communism. Maybe you should go to Syria and really understand what Communism really is...That asshole over there kills and gasses his own people...Kids, pal. That haven't or do not deserve that shit. In fact a holes like you should move there........

who is this luck!n guy?

#133 The Legend

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Posted 07 September 2015 - 04:03 PM

I worked today ... 92 degrees and blazing sun I worked all day ... Then again if I made jack shit like the union drones I would have sat home and worked on my race car ....wait never mind I wouldn't have a race car ....

#134 dirtstudent2



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Posted 07 September 2015 - 04:51 PM

Many times in my working career I would have welcomed a 10 hour day in 92 degree weather.  Especially mostly being on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and mainly putting in 60+ hours a week for around 30 years.  10 hour day, 92 degree weather, a piece of cake, to be eaten and enjoyed.


The days I recollect most are the ones I came home at 9am having a beer in hopes it would help me sleep, after being called out early the day before.  What you report is a piece of cake, your youth should thrive on. ... :)


No union thought.  But thanks to unions I initially got time and a half, plus shift differential, plus inconvenience pay for being called out, plus 1/4 time for standby, time and a half for Saturday and double time for Sunday.


After your republican buddy Regan got through with this country and by the time I retired the bennies wer reduced to, time and a half for all work over 40 hours a week... oh... they were reduced to the minimum required by law.  It was not the company, nor the government which reduced workers wages, it was the elimination of unions.  


Your only worth as little as it takes to get you to go to work.  And if that's all you need from your workers, then that's all you will pay.  In today's computerized world with employers knowing exactly what they need out of an employee in terms of what then need them to do to be profitable, with the same feelings they get from a purchased machine, there's no reason for any employee to give anything beyond bare minimum.  It's not the employee that has changed, it's those not employing, but simply using employees the same as they would a nail and a hammer.

#135 The Legend

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Posted 07 September 2015 - 04:58 PM

Student , if someone wants paid they need to prove they are worth it , you don't get paid then prove your worth it lol lol lol. I love how all of the non business owners have all the answers

#136 dirtstudent2



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Posted 07 September 2015 - 06:33 PM

"you don't get paid then prove your worth it lol lol lol."


I think your statement is not correct.  You get paid while you prove your worth.



Workers don't have to prove anything.  Workers get paid for the time they give weather you think they did ok or not.  If you don't like the job they do, you still owe them for their time. In Ohio and PA employees work only at the discretion of the employer.


Your paying for their time and if the work they do is not acceptable to you, your only option is to end their employment.  If you continue to pay them, it's you who wants to keep their service.  Just because you did not like how they performed while you employed them, does not mean you don't owe them for their time in your employee.  


They enter into a contract to provide service, nothing more nothing less.  If an employer does not think the employee has provided the level of service required or if they don't even like the length of the employees hair, they can terminate the contract.


It's ONLY the employer which has to prove anything, they need to prove their able to pay what's required to employ.  You don't owe your employees squat and if you have employees they don't owe you squat.  Once you use their service, you are the only one who owe's anyone anything.


By the way I survived on a merit pay system for over 40 years.  Prior to that I got laid off twice, once because of a union contract over the wants of management and the other time because of either move to Oil City where they had work for me or get laid off.  Both layoff's were not justified in my mind, but they were perfectly just.  Being young Oil City was about as far out in the wilderness, as I could imagine and I chose to get laid off.  ... :)



edit:  ya know this is just fun to banter back and forth, but after 60+ years of working and not needing to now, it really ain't all that portant to me.  ... :)


You enjoy your time, I've enjoyed mine.  ... :)

Edited by dirtstudent2, 07 September 2015 - 06:45 PM.

#137 Chrome Horn

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Posted 07 September 2015 - 06:44 PM

Please lets not turn this legit post into a bunch of Union bs




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Posted 07 September 2015 - 07:15 PM

I worked today ... 92 degrees and blazing sun I worked all day ... Then again if I made jack shit like the union drones I would have sat home and worked on my race car ....wait never mind I wouldn't have a race car ....

Nobody cares about you, except you.


I digress, now back on topic.

#139 Chrome Horn

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Posted 07 September 2015 - 07:29 PM

Ok after some research, since nobody acknowledge my other post. The jook race was 50 dollar entry fee. Below is the top 10 payout for the jook race.

1. 2100

2. 1050

3. 725

4. 500

5. 455

6. 410

7. 395

8. 380

9. 365

10. 400


Here is the top 10 payout for the outhouse 25 with 100 dollar entry, never seen a higher entry fee for less payout.


1. 2000

2. 800

3. 600

4. 500

5. 400

6. 300

7. 280

8. 270

9. 260

10. 250

Edited by Chrome Horn, 07 September 2015 - 07:29 PM.

#140 MeXican_BOB


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Posted 07 September 2015 - 07:31 PM

It appears everyone got "SHITTED" on who ran the OUTHOUSE 25  :P

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