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Member Since 14 Jul 2002
Offline Last Active Dec 30 2021 11:07 PM

#446796 Pa. Race Tracks

Posted by DavyLee2 on 13 April 2020 - 07:49 PM

Governor said all non-essential businesses are to shut down!!!    We love racing but such is not essential to life!!!

Working is non essential to life for this governor in Pa. too ! However construction is essential to life in Ohio and the gas is 1 dollar cheeper ... there may be some people moving across the border after discovering how different life is 25 miles west of PPMS !


Posted by DavyLee2 on 01 December 2019 - 10:55 PM

Blue by you
The whistleblower ( Eric .... his name is everywhere) was hired by The CIA John Brennan and worked with Biden on Ukrain under O while Donald trump was a candidate and running for President around the upper posting dates to Vote coal !
You heard the real story HERE more than 2 years ago
Obama,....his CIA.. his FBI... his NSA.... his State Department and x Secretary ofState running for President worked with and PAID Russian sources for dirt to get wiretap warrants on Trump and spied on his campaign like he was a terrorist .
Blue and allot of your generation who delivered us Obama
The James Comey DIRTY COP stuff has been out for years and you have not EVEN Heard About it yet !!!
The Whistleblower is another fake spy plant from Obama era and made a false statements about the phone call and did not even hear the phone call !
I hope your starting to understand why FAKE NEWS is Americans Worst Enemy

#445693 lernervlle

Posted by DavyLee2 on 20 October 2019 - 06:58 AM

It's $1000 to win are you racing to win or racing to start that's the shame you know what else is a shame you're a pessimist how about this math 1 pit pass $75 the rest of your guys pay their own way in since they're adults you want to camp but you'd rather save money so $0 for camping try staying in a hotel for $25 a day not likely you don't need a quad so $0 for quad $70 for your wife because if she's coming tomorrow she only needs a 2 day pass ok $20 entry fee and $25 dirt fee you can't get around that looks like $190 to be there for $125 to start if you cry about that you'd cry about anything I feel bad for you liberals always looking for something to be mad about turn that frown upside down Lernerville is only charging you $190 to play with your $25,000 toy for 3 days at their facility that they maintain and pay for that's about $63 a day and they're going to give you a check when you leave.

Agree 100 percent !
But then you also Say buy this expensive truck motor or Add 200 lbs to your 350 motor car .. we’ll no Thanks and best of luck to your dwindling socialized motors division

#445403 Back to an old BS Late Model question

Posted by DavyLee2 on 26 September 2019 - 07:09 PM

One more thing about the front wheels
They can be aimed straight but still turn left with Caster adjustment
And most cars require you to steer right down the straightaways to keep the car going in a straight line

#445402 Back to an old BS Late Model question

Posted by DavyLee2 on 26 September 2019 - 07:01 PM

I just read this again and thought it was good so here it is again.  :)
Quoting me:
There are only two things which turn a car to the left and they are the front tires and stagger.  Everything else helps it go straight or turn it to the right.

There is another
And another
Left side weight
And another
Brakes designed to pull harder on the left than right
And another
Tire pressure
And another
Wheel base
And another

#445388 Back to an old BS Late Model question

Posted by DavyLee2 on 25 September 2019 - 06:12 PM

The rear steer is achieved when the weight transfers to the front of the car because the left rear wheel drives ahead of the right rear
And it also aims the forward drive of the locked rear wheels toward driving out from under the car on the right side thus making the back end turn or go straight while the driver turns left
There is less need to steer with the front wheels when the back is steering so I think it’s mostly about what’s happening in the back of the car JMO

#445165 Shorter wheelbase question

Posted by DavyLee2 on 15 September 2019 - 12:03 PM

What is the advantage or desired result of a shortened wheelbase
I can only guess that it would help the car turn left ?

#445151 TimShaffer

Posted by DavyLee2 on 14 September 2019 - 02:26 PM

That’s great news
Give a driver like him a shot with the best ...it’s about time
Hope that goes for a bunch of nights
Go get em Champ !

#444986 Pegar wins at The Bird

Posted by DavyLee2 on 08 September 2019 - 08:07 PM

The 23 car of John Blankenship finished in the top 5 at the world 100 !
The word COAL was again on the hood
He disappeared for several years because he is sponsored by West Virginia Coal
Just One example of the war against America that ended and started the other direction November 8 2016

#444782 Greg Beach vs. Chris Schneider

Posted by DavyLee2 on 27 August 2019 - 12:00 PM

My hair is much darker now because of just for men
But it's a man thing and like it says on the package
Just for men !
And I look more like the other gif than this one lol

#443944 The Rivers Karting

Posted by DavyLee2 on 08 July 2019 - 11:46 AM

Fast GoKarts!
Took my 12 year old daughter first time to this Gokart track and she had a giant smile and so did I!
Turns out it's operated by Daryl Charlier
These karts really rip !
They are Electric so you hear allot of tiresbut not a big motor sound
Great place !

#443364 Mark Richards article on Dirt on Dirt

Posted by DavyLee2 on 08 June 2019 - 06:01 AM

That's not true
Debating topics endlessly can change minds
Extreme example
But with Crates
They are great for the latemodel prototype class and Sprints because there is an extreme gap in the open motor latemodel and Sprint car motor
I struck am aposed to mandating you buy one to run a stock car
When you could all race together with a simple weight advantage
But ya the time be better spent at the school board meetings saving America
But thst is really noziating
So this is much easier on the heart and soul

#442098 Latrobe and Roaring Knob News

Posted by DavyLee2 on 26 March 2019 - 11:27 AM

Fastrak uses I believe several of the same official motor people as Rush
But if you choose fastrack series
Your obviously
Blackballed like s Sportsman with a 350 at Lernerville

#442044 ** Bilstein Shocks Info **

Posted by DavyLee2 on 21 March 2019 - 06:06 AM

Thanks Justin Congrats again times 2!
Your right 67
Rev it up !
Push a button
And the computer lets out the clutch
Wow now thats havin some fun !
Again you people who demand to know nothing !
Here is one more clue
Racing is The Ultimate Display of Capitalism !

#441870 Steel City Outlaw

Posted by DavyLee2 on 02 March 2019 - 03:55 PM

It also shows how hard it is that you can be fastest one night and getting lapped the next night and your really only going a little bit slower than the winner was