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Tony Stewart in trouble

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Posted 10 August 2014 - 08:51 AM

Did everybody see the video? Did you see the man cock his legs to jump out of the way? Did you hear Stewart gas the car right before he got hit ? Did you see the little juke that Stewarts car made before the hit.

 Watch the video again, and again, and again. You will see. Man that sure looked intentional. Just my opinion.


#22 Toolbox3


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Posted 10 August 2014 - 08:58 AM

I saw the accident on the news and its bone chilling to see! I feel for everyone who was at the track and saw it happen,his family watched it happen, my prayers go out for them.

#23 Crusty1


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Posted 10 August 2014 - 08:59 AM

From knowing Tonys hot head past I could see him gunning his engine to brush someone back, from what I heard and read I thought Tony was guilty.
But after I watched what happened I don't think Tony saw him and at the last second try to avoid him.
What a sad tragic event prayers to the Wards and to Tony Very Very Very Sad.

#24 Brian44m


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Posted 10 August 2014 - 09:01 AM

Tony hit the gas to get away from the kid. Its obvious he did not see him. The first car had to swerve to miss him. He was wearing black. He hit the gas to swerve and keep the right rear from hitting him. That what I see. It was a reaction to me more than intent.



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Posted 10 August 2014 - 09:07 AM

Crusty Did you see Kevin cock his legs. It sure looked like Tony was pointed right at him. It happens so fast it's really hard to tell.

My thoughts and prayers are with the Ward family. It is a Very sad day.

#26 ramey36



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Posted 10 August 2014 - 09:19 AM

Bad decision making by both drivers. Unless Tony didn't see him. Then bad decision by the kid.

Ramey Womer




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Posted 10 August 2014 - 10:05 AM

Kid should have stayed in his car. Being a timmy tuff nuts over a typical sprinter slider because it was smoke who pulled the slider changes nothing. Its a black eye forbthe sport. Prayers and condolences.to the families involved. Hate to see any loss of life in any type of racing. But tony DID NOT TRY TO HIT HIM watch the 45 and know the lighting of the track! If you dont realise the guy walked into a very dimly lit part of the track.still a tragedy but also just an accident

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#28 WesternPARacing


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Posted 10 August 2014 - 10:20 AM

No matter what happens between drivers on the track and how hot head some may get I can't imagine any driver intentionally running over a competitor. Very sad accident prayer for the family



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Posted 10 August 2014 - 11:38 AM

Looks to me,that the kid was a little too high on the outside to start with. Lighting , looks worse than Marion Center. Bottom line, he should have stayed off the track and vented in the pits later. Total accident, that could have been avoided, had he stayed off the track..I can't imagine, any driver, intentionally hitting another driver, like that.  JMO

#30 Crusty1


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Posted 10 August 2014 - 12:13 PM

Crusty Did you see Kevin cock his legs. It sure looked like Tony was pointed right at him. It happens so fast it's really hard to tell.
My thoughts and prayers are with the Ward family. It is a Very sad day.

No I do not see that at all,I see the 45 car almost hit him.

#31 dirtracer0


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Posted 10 August 2014 - 12:25 PM

don't tell me tony didn't see the kid. Cars were idling under caution. Stewart should have never even been that close to the kid. He probly wanted to throw alitte dirt on him under estimating how close or how much his rear end would come out. You people that are saying its the kids own fault for getting out of the car act like this never happens in racing. For pete sake a life was lost over the deal that never should have been. Tony his to blame and I hope he is punished for it. He is a regular guy just like me and you and just because he is a nascar star should he just get a slap on the risk. Be the guy that has to tell tylers parants that it was just a racing deal.................. thoughts and prayers go out to the family 20 years old what a bad deal.

#32 plymouth-man



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Posted 10 August 2014 - 12:35 PM

Don't think that this is over for Tony, I have a feeling that its just begun!!

Mash the loud pedal.

#33 dirtstudent2



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Posted 10 August 2014 - 01:36 PM


Edited by dirtstudent2, 10 August 2014 - 02:07 PM.

#34 tom2p


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Posted 10 August 2014 - 02:54 PM

Did everybody see the video? Did you see the man cock his legs to jump out of the way? Did you hear Stewart gas the car right before he got hit ? Did you see the little juke that Stewarts car made before the hit.
 Watch the video again, and again, and again. You will see. Man that sure looked intentional. Just my opinion.


#35 tom2p


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Posted 10 August 2014 - 02:57 PM

don't tell me tony didn't see the kid. Cars were idling under caution. Stewart should have never even been that close to the kid. He probly wanted to throw alitte dirt on him under estimating how close or how much his rear end would come out. You people that are saying its the kids own fault for getting out of the car act like this never happens in racing. For pete sake a life was lost over the deal that never should have been. Tony his to blame and I hope he is punished for it. He is a regular guy just like me and you and just because he is a nascar star should he just get a slap on the risk. Be the guy that has to tell tylers parants that it was just a racing deal.................. thoughts and prayers go out to the family 20 years old what a bad deal.

good chance Stewart did not see the driver on the track until the very end




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Posted 10 August 2014 - 06:24 PM

Dirt racer your a moron, to think tony even wanted to roost the kid is a ridiculous statement and shows just how unintelligent you really are. If were anybody else driving the 14 kid would have stayed in his car. His car was fine could have fixed tire checked lf suspension and been back on the track. But because it was tony stewart he wanted to be a tough guy. It was an accident. There are no lights on the outside ofthe track exiting either turn. The 45 barely saw him! And 850 hp at an idle is still pretty ridiculous. When you set foot on or in a race track there are risks and those risks magnify when you leave the saftey of your cockpit. Accident and tragedy nothing more

Edited by GOTTI, 10 August 2014 - 06:25 PM.





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Posted 10 August 2014 - 06:41 PM

And another thing directed at harvestor race cars dont lunge right under throttle. Never saw a dirt car turn right under throttle. They run stagger which makes the car turn left. And in a sprint you can adjust ur wing and ur brakes while moving. Whose to say tony want cranking more rear brake into the car! Adding more top wing angle! Hell maybe even shutting the rf brake off. All things that can be done while moving on a race track. U too are a moron

Edited by GOTTI, 10 August 2014 - 06:42 PM.


#38 Express Man

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Posted 10 August 2014 - 07:25 PM

Tony CLEARLY held his line!  All the Kid had to do was back off!  But because it was Tony Stewart.....Kid wanted to Grandstand!  CLEARLY just a racing deal!  And to get out of your car and go down on the track.....Just STUPID!  The first thing every track I ever raced at tells you is "DON'T GET OUT OF THE CAR  INLESS ITS ON FIRE!!!"  There is a good reason for that!  Once again..Kid wanted to Grandstand!  Make a name for himself!  Unfortuniatley....No Tragically  it all ended wrong for everyone involved!  Now we have a dead young man and a Racing Legend with a ruined Career!  And  A mother and father  without a son!  I also really doubt Tony ever saw that Kid till it was too late!  Look at a sprint car sometime and tell me what you think the Visibility is out the right side?  Then add a dark track... a BLACk uniform... and a driver with a full face helmet!  Sorry....he never saw him!  To think that Tony Stewart or any driver would ever purposely do something like that is insane!  The worst or the worst possible stuation here!  A Tagic event for all involved!  Lets all pray for the families involved and the young man that lost his life!




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Posted 10 August 2014 - 07:33 PM

Express man you said what i wanted to say but in nicer words. You my friend are right on

Edited by GOTTI, 10 August 2014 - 07:37 PM.




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Posted 10 August 2014 - 08:06 PM

GOTTI, I never said he turned right. And I never adressed any one as a moron, so keep your comments on here to your self.

 The 45 car was on the very inside of the track and Stewart drove down the middle.

 I don't care what you think he was doing in the car.

Any one on this board that ever drove any car would have hit the BRAKE instead of the gas.

Tell me different.

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