MRLLC , I could not have said it better. WOW.

Tony Stewart in trouble
Posted 11 August 2014 - 12:54 PM
Posted 11 August 2014 - 04:23 PM
Did everybody see the video? Did you see the man cock his legs to jump out of the way? Did you hear Stewart gas the car right before he got hit ? Did you see the little juke that Stewarts car made before the hit.
Watch the video again, and again, and again. You will see. Man that sure looked intentional. Just my opinion.
What would Tony be mad about????? He didnt get wrecked, his car wasnt damaged. No reason for him to be pissed off at anyone. Even if he was mad ,as a driver in all the years i have been at the tracks and racing no one has ever swerved at a driver or official on the track. U JUST DONT DO IT.
- galloomp likes this
Posted 11 August 2014 - 05:47 PM
However . As a Democrat Voter you will know from that statement that even if you are voting for a Communist Muslim from Africa named Barry Soetoro! You have made the right decision !
Tony didn't have a chance to react to that surprise! That is the worst day of his racing career ! And ya that was hard to watch !
Posted 11 August 2014 - 05:53 PM
As a part time racer. When the yellow comes out, you slow down, catch the car in front of you. I look at the gauges, water temp, oil pressure, clean my visor or pull off a tear off, tighten the belts. Sometimes I look for a better line through the corner. Sprint cars have hydraulic wings. These adjustments are made under yellow. I have seen many a driver look up and watch the adjustment. Is my concentration on looking for an angry racer charging me when I know I didn't cause the caution. No. I don't think Tony ever touched the Ward car. I see the right rear hitting the fence when he got in some loose stuff above the cushion causing the car to spin. I know you can't see through the car in front of you. The head and neck restraint system I wear limits left and right movement as well as forward movement of my neck. If a car is not completely up beside me, where I can see part of the car, I have no idea if anyone is there or not. The right panel of a wing on a sprint car definitely blocks vision out of the right side of a car. So does the rock shield on the right side of the car. The front of the top wing can block high forward vision. I believe that Tony never saw Ward approaching from high and to the right of him till the car in front of him swerved. Only Tony knows. My prayers go out to all involved in this tragic accident.
Posted 11 August 2014 - 06:18 PM
Posted 11 August 2014 - 08:09 PM
That's what I got out of it that the blue car is the one that hit the gas not tonyIf you look at the video. When you hear the revving noise watch closely as you can see the blue car speed up.
Posted 11 August 2014 - 09:48 PM
Posted 11 August 2014 - 11:07 PM
ESPN was reporting "Was hit by Stewarts tire as he exited his car and walked and pointed at Stewart's car" during the Nascar race Sunday.
they also said " touched wheels " on the ticker
Edited by DavyLee2, 12 August 2014 - 11:02 AM.
Posted 12 August 2014 - 12:28 AM
don't tell me tony didn't see the kid. Cars were idling under caution. Stewart should have never even been that close to the kid. He probly wanted to throw alitte dirt on him under estimating how close or how much his rear end would come out. You people that are saying its the kids own fault for getting out of the car act like this never happens in racing. For pete sake a life was lost over the deal that never should have been. Tony his to blame and I hope he is punished for it. He is a regular guy just like me and you and just because he is a nascar star should he just get a slap on the risk. Be the guy that has to tell tylers parants that it was just a racing deal.................. thoughts and prayers go out to the family 20 years old what a bad deal.
Ok 1, the kids name was Kevin, not Tyler. 2, I think you mean wrist, and not risk. 3, Have you ever even sat in any type of sprint car?
Posted 12 August 2014 - 12:42 AM
GOTTI, I never said he turned right. And I never adressed any one as a moron, so keep your comments on here to your self.
The 45 car was on the very inside of the track and Stewart drove down the middle.
I don't care what you think he was doing in the car.
Any one on this board that ever drove any car would have hit the BRAKE instead of the gas.
Tell me different.
I know its not a full size car, but I raced micro sprints for 4 years, I'd hit the gas in that situation. If you look around a little bit you'll find out that the driver of the 45 car said he didn't even see Kevin Ward Jr till the last second and Tony was not to far behind that car which woulda made it hard to see Ward till the last second. Jumping on the brakes woulda just made the kid suffer.
Posted 12 August 2014 - 06:16 AM
With everything he would have to lose, why in the hell would anyone think for a second that there was any intent here? It was a tragic accident that didn't need to happen.
The national media's attention is now diverted by the tragic suicide of Robin Williams. If nothing else, we won't be barraged with anchors commenting on a sport they know nothing about.
- THE Fan likes this
Posted 12 August 2014 - 07:01 AM
That is true, the sad part about the race incident (beside loss of life), is that the video was posted thus released publicly and people continue to view. The guy who posted/released the video should fell horrible as well.
Posted 12 August 2014 - 11:00 AM
That is true, the sad part about the race incident (beside loss of life), is that the video was posted thus released publicly and people continue to view. The guy who posted/released the video should fell horrible as well.
True but without the video we would all be listening to the Media and thinking Tony was a killer!
Posted 12 August 2014 - 12:09 PM
Well the issue would have been big but not quite as big, the national media was falling all over to get this out because it had a video with the story (and they have no clue on racing so they saw it as murder). Reports were all over the place, they have created the "I need to know now" society. If you wish to listen to them so be it, for me I do not need the mainstream media to guide me in formation of a opinion.
There were so many details that people missed (because of the video) & will never know, because they formed an opinon on a video clip. Kinda like when your watching an instant replay on a football game, you see one thing the refs see another.
Posted 12 August 2014 - 12:49 PM
True but without the video we would all be listening to the Media and thinking Tony was a killer!
Actually the video made things worse, I think more people saw Stewart in a bad light because of the video. A twitch of a racecar is now Stewart trying to run Kevin over, to at best he was trying to spray him with dirt. It reminded me of the videos you see of the police beating some criminal, you never see what happened before hand. Of coarse you don't see the criminal's weapon just out of the video frame. Different angles would likely put the entire tragedy in a different light.
Posted 12 August 2014 - 02:10 PM
One thing I would like to hear is some comments from the driver of the #45 car that was right in front of Tony!! It should have been Chuck Hebing, a former Modified driver who switched over to Sprints a number of years back and has won quite a few ESS races. This is one of the worst happenings in the 65 years I have been a fan of the sport!! My condolences to the Ward family and lets all keep them and Tony Stewart in our prayers!!
- tjtrackrabbit likes this
Posted 13 August 2014 - 01:18 PM
Walt I saw it posted somewhere that the driver or his crew chief said he didn't see Kevin until the last second.
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