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Hummingbird Semi-Late rules

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Posted 04 January 2016 - 10:20 AM

the only race this class will see is a race after the final rules are in place to get a car done for May.   Im guessing its a matter of getting with the 4 drivers building and seeing what they want.

Edited by TUNACAN, 04 January 2016 - 10:21 AM.





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Posted 04 January 2016 - 12:13 PM

The only rules they will enforce is the spoiler height. They cant tech anything they cant even pump motors.



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Posted 04 January 2016 - 02:23 PM

and we both know how important that spoiler is on a track where the car is sideways 95% of the time



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Posted 04 January 2016 - 03:51 PM

The only rules they will enforce is the spoiler height. They cant tech anything they cant even pump motors.

If Andy Watt is helping out things will be ok. Hes like an automotive genius and always open to listening to suggestions.

#45 Toolbox3


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Posted 04 January 2016 - 07:01 PM

Except Andy is a tech building his own semi late with a 602 giving himself a weight break allready!!!!

#46 714d


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Posted 04 January 2016 - 08:02 PM

No tech man should EVER have a car on the track. That will be the end of that class already if that's true. It's hard enough to keep favoritism out of racing, let alone having track workers racing. He should stick to racing at Thunder mtn and then park it Saturday night to avoid issues.

#47 rsadiedog


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Posted 05 January 2016 - 08:56 AM

I see where the concern is, but the weight break for the 602 is pretty standard due to them making less power. Plus good luck getting a car down to 2200 lbs. with a all steel motor at the end of the race, maybe if your driver weighs 100lbs.

Nick Loffredo

#48 BRC27


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Posted 05 January 2016 - 11:06 AM

The weight break rule is a joke!  They did the same in the Street Stocks.  I'd like to know what engineering genius told them that a 602 crate motor with 350 horsepower at 2800lbs would keep up with a 600HP 406 at 2950.  Weight to power ratios are being overlooked for sure.

#49 greaseball



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Posted 05 January 2016 - 12:10 PM

Watt is the only tech man that they have Orvie is not comeing back.

If we  were teching gocarts he would be the man

#50 The Legend

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Posted 05 January 2016 - 12:47 PM

If the 406 is spinning and the crate is hooked it will drive right past

#51 714d


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Posted 05 January 2016 - 01:02 PM

If the 406 is spinning and the crate is hooked it will drive right past

I agree 100%, but in the past couple years at the bird with low car counts and wet weather, it's been rare to see a surface that dries up and equals the field that much. You can win with a little less power, but guys with motors have been hooking up as long as the setup is decent and they are an above average driver. A few years ago you could count on dry and slick by feature time. Late models also run first there every week.

#52 rsadiedog


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Posted 05 January 2016 - 02:32 PM

I'm guessing the limited lates won't run till middle of the night since they run steel blocks first. This class is no different than any other class that doesn't have open rules, you have to tech and keep things in check. (hey that rhymes!) This is a good class if properly run and I personally feel that if properly run will make for some great racing that is affordable.

Nick Loffredo

#53 race ace

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Posted 07 January 2016 - 03:25 PM

they don't want the obsolete junk street stocks back . good luck guys ...lol

race ace

#54 714d


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Posted 07 January 2016 - 06:37 PM

they don't want the obsolete junk street stocks back . good luck guys ...lol

Nobody wants "obsolete junk" mixed with good cars in any class. That's why this limited late class was formed. No one enjoys seeing a 3 or 4 car battle for the lead get ruined by a guy riding around 2 laps down and running 3 different grooves per lap. Stocks are dying quick everywhere (except specials/penn ohio races) and everyone decided to move to late models whether they were ready or not. Thus a need for an entry level late model class over any stock class. Guys were happier running 15th in a late model than they were running 8th in a stock.

#55 race ace

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Posted 09 January 2016 - 01:43 PM

I was asked to let this subject die and not comment on it but since it is slow and we don't have anything else to fight over i might as well stir the pot ,and i am going to do just that you see that comment i made about Hummingbird not wanting  the junk obsolete street stocks came from the same guy who started the subject that the street stock rules were out , if you read them they make no sense at all but i guess they do to him .the way i read them you can now legally run a 350/hp 350  with a flat tappet cam against a 406 with over 600/hp and a full roller motor but he will give you a 150 pound weight break.wow  that is amazing . guys will be lining up to race a crate motor ...lol.now, here is something you don't know  on October 31 i received a phone call from a friend of mine who asked if i could come to a meeting at his house with a member of Hummingbird's rule team .i said i was taking the kids Halloweening but could be there by 8 o,clock any how  when i got there  i found a garage with 3 cars in it all of them  were street stocks or could have been converted to street stocks . and we were asked what we would have to have to come back racing at the bird #1 was  link stock mount rear suspension with stock type  trailing arms  #2 was get rid of the bert transmissions #3 was run a hard rear tire and run a pill draw feature only /last feature of the night # 4 to keep everyone on the same page run a 2 barrell carberator #5 run every other week and run the new semi late cars the week the street stocks were off. this would give you time to fix the car on the weekends off . now this was coming from 7 drivers not me we all could live with those 5 simple rules . but you see Hummingbird"s rule decider said we don't want your junk/obsolete  old street stocks but you see these rules would have eliminated 2 cars that sometimes show up to race and that would not be fair to these 2 high dollar teams because if  everyone was on the same page they could not beat up on the nobody's  they outspend . you see there is still street stocks out there and you could buy a good car and do this out of your one car garage but the guy who makes the final decision don't want you there and i am not talking about Louie or any of his family in fact i had heard that peach jr was actually on our side but he was shot down .i truly do hope you get your 20 cars this year and i mean that, but it wont be any of the cars in that garage  i contacted Hesston speedway and they will gladly accept misfits there .I am done commenting on this so don't bother taking shots at me on this i really don't care where we race at and your opinion don't really matter to me .have a nice racing season no matter where you chose to go.

race ace

#56 714d


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Posted 09 January 2016 - 01:50 PM

I still say, the pure stock class is right up your alley. Why make a class change to adapt to the car in your garage, when that class exists already? You'll never be happy until someone looks at what you've got and creates a set of rules based on your exact car.



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Posted 09 January 2016 - 05:02 PM

I still say, the pure stock class is right up your alley. Why make a class change to adapt to the car in your garage, when that class exists already? You'll never be happy until someone looks at what you've got and creates a set of rules based on your exact car.

Sounds like theres more cars out there sitting idle that would fit the rules in Aces post than what shows up at the track every week.

#58 714d


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Posted 09 January 2016 - 05:46 PM

I'm not arguing that. Problem is, to make rules that make sense, you would pretty much be starting your own class that people are stuck at one track. That's not too popular these days. No one is loyal to one track. As long most of the tracks support the penn ohio style rules, you will struggle trying to go against that. In my opinion it would make sense to adopt the limited late engine rules to a stock class chassis and call it done. Then guys can switch classes by only buying a chassis. I agree the 400 blocks made it a big dollar class, but being the first track to move backwards is a big risk too.

#59 The Legend

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Posted 09 January 2016 - 05:56 PM

The race ace !! Unless you agree to let him start 5 laps ahead with the exact car he has now and pay for his hauler fuel and pit pass he's not coming !!!

#60 BRC27


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Posted 12 January 2016 - 08:26 AM

Race Ace....I like ya but man, there are things that you're not seeing and others you refuse to see.  First of all I never said anything about Hummingbird not wanting obsolete junk and I'm the one who posted that the stock rules were out.  Secondly, I was at that meeting and let me explain to you how I was conned into going.  I was told that Hummingbird, like marion center, was getting rid of the Street stocks.  I was told that meeting was a petition to show Louie that we had at least 15 cars and a set of rules and it would be worth their while to run them.  Now imagine my surprise when I get there and y'all are talking about creating a new class of hybrid Pure/Street stock that only wanted to run every other weekend.  And when I talked to peach to confirm he informed me that there was no talk of dropping the Street stocks to begin with.  And don't think that everyone in that garage only wants to run every other weekend.  While I don't have all the money in the world to race, I fully intend on racing every week.  And I'll be racing at Hummingbird.  You all can go race at Hesston and have a good time.  I wish you the best of luck.  But your complaints now are that the cars are too light and you can't get your percentages.  Also you don't want Berts.  Well let me shed some light on the situation.  Hesston is allowing full roller 415's with Berts to race at 3100#  while you'll probably be at the 2850# 360 rule.  So if you're complaining about percentages at 3000# how are you going to hit them at 2850?  So your paradox still remains the same.  You're still going to have an under powered ill handling race car that is mid pack at best. 

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